The Letter

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Hermione Malfoy (yes Malfoy), Ginny Zabini, and Pansy Nott sat in the dining room of Malfoy Manor planning the biggest event in their clothing lines history.

When Hermione and Ginny fled the wizarding world (with their now husbands in tow) they immediately ran into Pansy and started their clothing line. SlyGryffin Clothing Line.  They make clothes for muggles and wizards and made great success from it, everything in their lives were perfect until today.

"Mummm!!" Hermione's Daughter Gemini yelled through the house. She ran to Hermione "You and dad got a letter, its from Hogwarts" Gemini said "OK sweetie just stop yelling" Hermione replied with a laugh. As she read the letter her face fell "Gemini go get your siblings and call your father" Hermione said with no emotion and no color on her face.

Suddenly a stampede of children and one adult came running down the stairs. "What's the problem?" Draco asked "This!". The letter read...

Dear Mr. And Mrs. Malfoy
Hogwarts is celebrating the 15 year anniversary of the Battle of Hogwarts next week June 17,the reunion will be two days.There will be a tribute to all we lost and speeches from The Golden Trio, Harry Potter *our hero*, Hermione Granger *the brain*, and Ronald Weasley. You may bring any children you have and you will be staying in your common rooms according to your Hogwarts house.
Sincerely , Headmistress McGonagall

P.S I would absolutely love for you to come Hermione we miss you.

"What are we going to do"Hermione asked "We're going to the reunion"

If it sucks let me know 😊 give me suggestions of what story I should do next it doesn't have to be Harry Potter related thx

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