Chapter 20: Meanwhile at the Mansion...

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This is very short, I'm sorry about that, but it had to be this way.


There was always this soft whisper of the wind going through the mansion. It was a large house, no one could deny that, and that characteristic probably added up to the reason the wind could pass through easily.

The soft whisper was usually accompanied by a much louder sound; the helpless screams of those held captive in the mansion.

Min Yoonchul was sitting in his large chair at the end of the table. His fingers were tapping against the table impatiently and he was tempted to get up and kill the prisoner locked up in their cellar. However, it was crucial to keep them alive.

Still, after all this time, he was getting sick of the prisoner. He wanted this all over with so he could hurry up and kill their captive.

Yoonchul thought about what to do next. His informant had told him everything. His little spy knew all there was to know. Or so he thought.

He had to make a new plan, because his last plan had failed. It made him angry. It made him want to kill someone. So he did, but that wasn't important. The important part was that he failed, and if he failed again...well, things wouldn't be great. He himself could end up dead, for starters.


A smirk appeared on the man's face when he heard that oh so familiar voice of his wife. He turned his head to find her walking towards him with the same kind of smirk on her face.

"You're here." He spoke. "When did you arrive?"

"I arrived a few minutes ago." Min Hye-eun replied, before giving her husband a kiss.

Hye-eun took a seat next to Yoonchul and rested her chin on her hands with her elbows on the table. "Tell me, what have I missed while I was hiding in Bulgaria? What was so urgent for our friends to call me back? Aren't you handling things as well as I thought you were?"

Yoonchul sighed and his fingers stopped tapping before he slammed his fist on the table. He had his eyes closed, obviously trying to keep in all his frustration.

"Those damn brats." He growled through gritted teeth. "I cannot begin to understand how they keep messing things up. Every time."

Hye-eun chuckled half-heartedly and leaned back in her chair. She crossed her arms and tilted her head at her husband. "So you're letting underaged kids ruin our plans again? I'm starting to believe you're less competent than our sons, Chul. At least they did as they were told."

"Until those brats got in the way again." Yoonchul retorted.

Hye-eun rolled her eyes. "Our plan had holes in it. Now we have a solid plan and you still don't get the right results."

Yoonchul let out a frustrated growl and got up from his chair. He started to pace around the room, ignoring the disappointment on his wife's face.

"We were so close. So close, Hye-eun. The beast was there, it could've destroyed the entire castle if it hadn't been for those puny little wizards who just had to butt in again." He exhaled forcefully and suppressed the urge to shout. "I just wish we could kill them. Would've been easier."

"You know we can't do that. Not yet." Hye-eun said sharply, nose scrunching up when she heard the screaming from downstairs. She then spotted one of the house-elves walking through the corridors.

"You! Make sure our prisoner shuts the hell up!" she yelled, to which the poor elf immediately nodded and ran off. "He's being awfully loud." she muttered.

She then turned back to her pacing husband. "Seriously, Chul, don't go make a big mistake and kill them. We need them, you know that. It's all in the prophecy."

Yoonchul nodded and sat back down on the big chair. "I know, honey, I know. It's just...even though we need them for our plan, they always get in the way of it. It's frustrating! How on earth are we going to succeed if they already interfere with and mess up the small bits of our plan?"

Hye-eun smirked. "We'll have to do something about that then, don't we?"

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