Chapter 11: Messed up

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Jin sat in the windowsill on the sixth floor, looking out the window with a bored expression on his face. He'd been sitting there for ten minutes already. Ten! Can you imagine how bored he was! 

As soon as the clock hit twelve o'clock, Jin heard the sound of running footsteps and he looked away from the window to find three of his friends running towards him.

"You are not going to believe what we found out!!!" Hoseok shouted in Jin's face, grabbing him by the shoulders and shaking him. "Hyung!!! We figured it out!!! We know!!!"

"Woah, woah, calm down, you're making me deaf." Jin said, trying to stop Hoseok from shaking him back and forth.

"Where are the others?" Jimin asked, eyes big. Jin could see he was waiting to spill all the information they'd found out. "Are they here yet?"

"Not yet." Jin said, shaking his head. He finally managed to pry Hoseok's hands off of him and he patted the boys head. "Good boy. Now stay."

Hoseok pouted. "I'm not a dog, hyung."

Jin ignored him and turned to Yoongi. "So the talk went well?"

"It did. We know all we need to know. How about you?"

Jin grinned. "I deceived the shop owner. Told him I was his boss' son. He told me everything he knew."

Yoongi snorted. "He believed you?"

"I'm a good actor." Jin said proudly. "And I had luck on my side. His boss was Korean, so I didn't have to put up a crappy story about being adopted."

"He wouldn't have believed you if his boss hadn't been Korean." Yoongi said, shaking his head laughing. "You were just lucky."

"Even if it was just luck, I found out a lot." Jin huffed.

"Let's hear it then." Yoongi smirked.

"No, wait, we have to wait until the others are here too." Jimin said hurriedly before the two eldest would start yelling facts at each other to prove who had found out the most. Jimin knew them; they would do that if no one stopped them. They really would.

Yoongi and Jin looked at each other before turning to Jimin and sighing, giving in to what the younger boy said.

"Hey guys!" They heard Namjoon's voice call out.

The four of them turned their heads to find Jungkook and Namjoon there, walking through the corridor.

"How did it go?" Hoseok asked them.

"Really well, actually." Namjoon said, though his face held a frown.

"Doesn't look like it."

"It's because of what we found out." Jungkook said.

The other boys nodded in understanding. They too found out some worrisome things about the strange book.

"Now we only have to wait for Taehyung." Jin said.

Namjoon nodded. "And then we can discuss everything we discovered and what to do next."

Only, it appeared that waiting for Taehyung took longer than they'd expected. When the hour turned to one in the afternoon, the six boys started to get worried. Lunch was officially starting and neither of them looked forward to skipping it, but they did decide to talk about this before lunch.

"Should we go looking for him?" Jimin wondered.

"Might be best." Namjoon said with a nod. "Let's go."

Jin jumped down from the windowsill and joined the other five as they walked to the moving stairs and made their way towards the floor with the office of Professor Crawford.

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