Chapter 19: A Bump in the Road

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"You're not serious, are you?" Jimin huffed, laughing in disbelief. "A month? Really?"

Jungkook nodded with a grimace on his face. A month was really the best he could do if he wanted to make the perfect potion. And it had to be perfect; anything could go wrong if they would use a wrongly brewed potion on their two targets.

"How can we wait that long?" Jimin said, his eyes desperate. "Who knows what could happen in the meantime?!"

"Jiminie, calm down..." Hoseok sighed, putting a hand on Jimin's shoulder.

Jimin didn't take it that well, glaring at Hoseok before walking over to where Taehyung and Namjoon were sitting and squeezing himself in between the boys. He clung onto Taehyung's arm and sighed.

"I'm just worried about Taehyung..."

Taehyung patted Jimin's arm and softly smiled down at the boy. "I'm going to be just fine, Jimin-ah. I'm not letting Crawford and Abigail change my memories again."

"The knowledge about them has made you stronger." Namjoon grinned.

"Spoken like a true nerd." Yoongi butted in, earning a glare from Namjoon, to which he just smirked. He obviously enjoyed annoying the younger.

"Right, so, as long as you guys can get me the ingredients, I can make the potion." Jungkook said, snickering at the angry look on Namjoon's face.

That angry look immediately vanished, a look of desperation taking its place. "Oh no... I'm not doing that again..." the Gryffindor whined, remembering how he had had to be the one to get the ingredients for the potion last time...and it had resulted in fangs in his arm.

Hoseok laughed, remembering the crying of Namjoon very clearly, even though he had been sick at that time. "I don't think Joon wants to do that part~."

"You think?" Jimin snorted.

"Don't worry, Namjoon-ah, I'll do it." Jin said, grinning. "I will take upon me this task of great importance and in that way save our entire-"

"Yeah, yeah, alright." Jimin said, waving his hand dismissively, causing Jin to huff and cross his arms.

"I can come with you." Taehyung grinned at Jin. "Sounds like a cool adventure!"

Jimin and Jungkook immediately looked at him with worried faces, but Namjoon spoke up before they could complain.

"That's a good idea. You'll be save with Jin-hyung. He's the eldest after all. Might also come in handy that you can speak to animals."

Taehyung tilted his head a little in confusion. "Why so?"

Namjoon chuckled softly. "Well, last time I had a hard time finding the ingredients...maybe the animals in the Potions classroom are willing to help you?"

Taehyung beamed and his eyes were sparkling. "I completely forgot there are animals in there!!! Now I'm definitely going."

Jin huffed again. "I don't need a sidekick, though."

Namjoon punched his arm, making Jin yelp. "Hyung, don't be mean, we're doing this for Taehyung so it would be wrong to exclude him."

Jin rubbed his arm in pain, but sighed begrudgingly. "Alright." He took a look at Taehyung, who was waiting expectantly with those puppy eyes. "You can come."

"Yay!!" Taehyung exclaimed. "Mission Potion for Taetae: Start!"

He threw the arm Jimin was holding in the air in a fist pump, accidentally punching the boy in the face.

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