While Daegu and Paris testing some of the technical stuff, that Dae would have to take care of once they were in the building and while Paris didn't really understand anything about what Daegu was doing, he still needed someone to talk to and the little tech genius always seemed to have an ear for him.

"Do you think I should make snacks for everyone?" Paris mumbled.

"I should probably check if my program is compatible with other camera systems too," was the only thing the black-haired male mumbled back.

"But every one of them is always so picky about what I put on their bread."

"I'll run some more tests just in case they changed it."

"Like, Boston is allergic to cheese, that poor bastard, and I want to make every sandwich the same you know."

Daegu continued to click away on his laptop, "It works with Axxon too. Maybe I'll try Pavlov too that's the only one I haven't tested yet."

"And I also have to consider that Venice doesn't like ham, but I'm not gonna sit here and pretend like I care about that, you know?"

"Yes, it does work," Daegu smiled to himself.

"And besides V everyone eats it, also I think it's the only thing left in the fridge," Paris nodded to himself, as he finally looked at the pale boy to ask for his opinion, "so?"

"Ham sandwiches it is," Daegu answered, closing his laptop, and finally walking over to Kyoto while trying not to let it show that he has been waiting for it since 5 in the morning, though it was obvious to anyone who'd spare him a glance.

"I still don't understand how you manage to have a conversation with Paris while infiltrating the pentagon."

Daegu had to chuckle, a sight that was more than rare to see, "I wasn't infiltrating anything, I was checking the compatibility of my own system with the ones that could be used in the mint."

Kyoto just shrugged, putting a knife into her calf holster.

"Well," Daegu stepped between her and the table her foot was hosted up against the wooden table, "you can be lucky you're pretty."

A smirk spread over Kyoto's lips, with a teasing glimmer in her eyes she leaned closer, her hands on his chest, "You think I'm pretty?"

Daegu didn't answer her, all he did was give her that judging look as if he was offended that she even asked him in the first place. The silence that filled the two of them was comforting, familiar but just like the oh so many other silences there was still something left unsaid between them, and even though they should have known by now that these silences are better when filled with the truth, neither decided to speak up.

In this case, the words left unsaid were something like, "We'll see each other in the mint" "I hope everything goes right." Or maybe just "Take care."

After a while, Kyoto gave him a small but disappointed smile, as if to say, "Maybe next time we'll have the guts to say it." She stroked his soft cheek, her index finder gliding along his cheekbone as she walked past him towards Paris, who was standing with a bag full of sandwiches at the entrance, impatiently tapping his foot.

Only after Kyoto and Paris left was Daegu able to release the shaky breath he was holding, his eyes glaring holes into the cracked wooden floor as he enjoyed the peace and quiet.


"You know she doesn't really care about you, right?" Venice spoke, leaning against the front door of the now completely empty mansion.

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