Chapter TWENTY

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Louis's POV

When Blake and Abby got back, Blake looked in a much better mood, which made me assume she and Abby had made out violently in the parlour, and my lips curled into a smirk.

"Heheheh." I chuckled quietly to myself. "What're you laughing at?" Harry asked, looking at me from where he was above me since I was still in his lap. I just looked up at him with a winning smile. Harry returned it and kissed my hair, then wrapped an arm around my waist. Abby and Blake sat back down and Abby pulled her phone out of her pocket to go on Instagram and took a picture of her food. "Blake looks considerably happier." Zayn pointed out, finally putting his phone away and smirking like I did. Blake glared at him and shoved his arm, then linked her other arm with Abby.

"Asshole." She muttered with a smile to her step-brother. Abby rolled her eyes, and Harry looked confused. "Lou, am I missing something?" He asked in a hushed voice, looking from Blake to Zayn. "Yes." I replied, a smug look on my face. Harry made a '-u-' face at me, and I returned a ':3' one. "You know," Abby said.

"What?" Zayn said. "Yes."





"What do you know?"

"I know more that you."

"About what??"


Zayn made a ':/' face. Abby smiled as wide as possible, and Blake laughed, showing her red teeth for- wait, red? "Blake! Your teeth!" I exclaimed, pointing at her closed mouth. Blake's eyes filled with fear as she slapped her hands over her mouth, looking at Abby hopefully.

"We had cherries earlier," Abby said with a smile, "she must still have juice on her teeth. Just needs a brushing that's all." Blake smiled gratefully at her girlfriend, and I quirked an eyebrow in question.

Abby waved me off with a look that said 'I'll explain later' and I nodded.

Harry then looked at me weird and I kissed his cheek to satisfy him. That turned into a kissing match, I'd kiss him then he'd kiss me and the others gagged in the back ground. "Okay, guys let's not." Jazz whined as she came over to our table. I glared at her and she patted my head with a smile. "Your hours were changed by the way, Lou. You work 5 to 7 tomorrow." I groaned, wanting to spend tomorrow with my new friends and boyfriend. "Sorry, I'd make Pete cover but he fell off his roof and landed crotch-first on a dumpster and he's in the ER so. . ." Jazz trailed off, and went back behind the counter again before I could make a sassy remark. I groaned again and his my face in Harry's chest as he stroked my hair, trying to help but failing.

Blake's POV

When we left, I grabbed Abby's hand and laced our fingers together, walking away with Zayn on our tails. "I like you friends, Blakey." Abby said as we walked, leaning her head on my shoulder. "Enough to stay?" I tried. She ignored the question. I swung our hands back and forth, almost hitting Zayn in the nuts once.

We reached my apartment and I led Abby upstairs to my room, Zayn taking his. I sat on the bed and Abs sat on my lap, and I played with her hair, a nervous habit I developed when we lived in Ohio together. Abby turned around in my lap so she was straddling me, her hands on my hips as she stared into my eyes. "What is it?" She asked knowingly. I chewed on my lip ring as I avoided her eyes. "I don't want you to leave. . ." I whimpered quietly like a small child. Abby took my face in her hands, forcing me to look into her dark brown eyes.

That didn't last long as she moved forward and attached her soft lips to my chapped, bitten, and abused ones. Her lips glided across mine like butter, and all of my worries went away at that moment. I moved my arms to wrap around her waist and pulled her closer as we kissed. It wasn't a heated kiss, or a desperate one, it was a reassuring one.

I pulled away first, and Abs lulled out a tube of ChapStick, a Coca Cola one, which was my favourite, and smeared it on my lips gently. "I love you." I said quietly, smiling at her with admiration and love. "I love you, too. Five-ever." Abby promised, and laced out fingers together, a bond growing between us that would never break. I pressed my lips against hers again, and she chuckled and pushed me away gently, climbing off me and standing up.

I whined and she smiled, leaning down to grab some pajamas from her suitcase. I may or may not have been checking out her ass the entire time. . . "Hey Abs, did you sit in sugar? Cuz you have one sweet ass." She turned around and made a 'O-O' face at me, and I stood up to grab my pajamas with an idiot's grin.

I picked out a pair of skull pj bottoms and an old My Chem shirt and stripped out of my clothes right in front of Abby to change. I've been insecure about my body since I was younger, but I didn't have to be with her. I pulled on my shirt, smirked at the wall, and said "It's not nice to stare." without turning around. I could practically hear her blush. I pulled on my pants and laid back down on the bed, waiting for her to put her arms in the arm holes in her shirt. 

When she did she flopped onto the bed, across my stomach, and I said 'oof' when she did. "Really?" I asked. She just made a ':3' face and rolled onto her side of the bed. I made a '-_-' face at the ceiling and wrapped my arm around her waist as she almost fell off the bed. "Calm down will you?" I said, feeling like a mother trying to make her child go to sleep. "No." She smiled as she laid her head on my chest. "Too bad. I'll start singing." I teased, knowing my singing makes her fall asleep.

"Fine." She sighed, dragging it out for a long time. Then she finally closed her eyes, and I could hear her heartbeat slow as she drifted off to sleep. "If only you could stay. . ." I murmured to no one as I myself fell asleep, loathing tomorrow for taking me one day closer to my love leaving me.

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