Chapter 16

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Louis's POV

"Harry, who are you introducing me too?" I whined as my boyfriend, (I just love hearing that, it makes me feel fuzzy inside) dragged me by the hand to his tattoo parlor, while I was wearing a flower crown. This man has no sympathy for my self-respect, at all. "I've already met Tay-Tay and Eddie." I whined louder, raising my hand on my flower crown in hopes he'd think I'd throw it at him if needed. Because I would, hun. Without hesitation. 

"We hired somebody new and I want you to meet her! She's super nice I swear." Harry coaxed, a large dumb grin on his face. "But-" I started, then cut myself of when we stood in front of the parlor. "C'mon you'll love her." Harry said, then he opened the door. At first glance, everything seemed the same as it was the last time I'd come here. Ed reading the magazines stacked on one of the tables, or studying the tats' designs. Taylor making an ultra-perfect tattoo, thanks to her OCD, or cleaning then re-cleaning the counters or floors, obsessing over how her hair looked.

When you really looked though, you could see the faint glimmer of magical sparkling blue in the corner of the room, just high enough for a human head.

I gasped, stumbling backwards into Haz in surprise, then she stepped out of the concealing shadows.

The girl had hair as dark as night, tattoos littering her scrawny arms and what I could see of her neck, a rose's stem trailing up her face and disappearing into her hairline. Her arms were also covered in bracelets, up to the end of her forearm where it dipped into her elbows. She was average height, about as tall as Ed, and her hair traveled down her back to just under her shoulder blades. Her shimmering eyes -which I'd noticed at first glance- were more amazing than I could ever imagine. 

"Hello Harold." She said, her voice smooth like the hood of a new car, a buttery joking edge to it. Harry walked right up to her and hugged her, whilst she wrapped her tattoo-and-bracelet littered arms around him. She smiled a full-teeth smile, which caught me off guard. Her teeth were a pearly white that reminded me of the ocean as the moon's light cast over it, and her canines were sharp pointed steel fangs, I sucked in an involuntary breath as she walked closer.

She held out a hand, and I caught a quick whiff of vanilla. "Hey, I'm Blake." I shook my hand with hers, and it was cold. Like she stuck her hand in snow. "Lo-Louis." I stuttered in reply, lost in the beautiful girl's eyes.

I felt no compassion to her at all.

Now, that was weird. Because, holy hell, she was the most amazing thing I had ever seen in my life, (which was creepy because I hated tattoos) and I should have felt some sexual attraction in some way, yet there was nothing. Just a warm glow of friendliness. "S'nice to meet you, Lo-Lewis." Blake said, and I glared at her. "What? You said Lewis." Did I? Whoops. 

"Sorry, I meant-"

"Louis. I know, I'm just kiddin'." She slugged my arm with a huge grin, and I winced. Damn that hurt, I probably bruised. "Sorry, kid. Don't know my own strength." I smiled at her (tbh, it was hard not to smile with her around) and waved my good hand at her. "It's nothing," I said, but Harry was glaring at Blake in a protective manor, standing next to Ed. 

Blake spared a side glance at Harry's face, but her smile didn't falter. It did when she spoke next. "Well, time to return to work. Nice to meet ya." Then she (and her MCR tee and skinnies with Converse)  and all her glory, disappeared into the shadows of the parlor.

"She's got people to tat, I've got peeps to tat, we all got peeps to tat." Ed said, trying to break the tension. "Haz, it's your day off. Go have fun or something." The ginger chuckled and waved Harry and I off, then walked into the back room with Taylor. "Well . . ." I said, turning to my curl haired boyfriend, (my brain is turning to mush I swear) and tugging his arm.

"LET'S GET ICE CREAM!!!!"        

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