Chapter 15

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A/N: im sorry for the lack of updates, im losing inspiration and have been catching up on my reading. i've not been feeling well the past few days, and with Halloween coming up i've been trying to get better, so enjoy what i hope to be a longer update. idk cause i havent written it yet, hah. love yall. PS Listen to the song on the side during the chap, it sets the mood.

Harry's POV

I finished my shift at the shoppe, and said goodbye to Ed and Taylor, wishing them luck on running the dump. They laughed at my joke and I walked out of the shoppe, a bounce in my step as I made my way to Louis' flat, knowing he'd be there. I arrived at this place, and hesitated before opening the door. I smiled to myself, remembering what I said to him earlier, and practically sprinted to my apartment, having only minutes until 3. I arrived at my place with moments to spare after catching my breath, making a mental note to get out more, and went up the stairs (slowly, stupid anxiety), and shouldered my door open. Louis was sitting on my bed, a large smile appearing on his face when I walked in, and my heart stopped when I saw what he was wearing. 

A flowercrown of white roses lay atop his dyed hair. It was dyed red now, and he was wearing the most innocent thing. A large white sweater, which he probably took from my closet, pulled over his hands in sweater paws, dark skinnies to contrast his sweater, and his sea eyes were wide, while a large adorable smile played on his lips. On his feet were his Vans, but they were pink. I cooed at him, and he glared at me as I sat next to him on the bed, and he crossed his legs. "So what did you want? I was busy." Louis said, re-adjusting his flowercrown. I smiled and took his hand, standing back up and leading him outside the apartment, then outside the complex.

"I'm taking you somewhere special, the specialest place for the specialest boy." Louis giggled, and hid himself in my chest, his arms barely wrapping around my torso. "Specialest isn't a word you dingo." He giggled again, me being able to practically hear his blush. "So? You're so cute I made up a new word." He kept giggling, and I had to reluctantly pull him off my chest so I could take him where I wanted to take him. I held his hand tightly the entire time, his sleeve bouncing as we walked, and he held his flowercrown on his head with his free hand.

Louis' giggle tumbled from his lips more often than not as I walked with the bounce in my step, and it made my heart flutter knowing I caused that beautiful sound to erupt from that beautiful boy. I walked us to my favourite place in the entire world so far, and Louis' jaw dropped, a gasp escaping him when he saw it. It was a meadow full of flowers, all kinds of flowers too. Petunias, roses, sunflowers, the lot. Louis then squealed like a kid in a candy store and ran into it, and I laughed then ran after him. The 23 year old plopped himself down in the middle of the field, grabbed a few flowers, and started weaving their stems together in a braid. 

I watched him for a few moments, admiring how childish he looked in that field, his red fringe hidden under a flowercrown, his white sweater and dark jeans making him stand out amongst the field of rainbow flowers, and the large idiot grin on his face making him adorabley irresistible. "Louis," I called to the beautiful boy, slowly making my way towards him as twilight fell upon the field, turning everything a bit darker than normal. Louis looked up at me, his tongue poking out a bit through his lips as he concentrated on the flower crown, mixtures of red, blue, and orange weaving their way through it. The moonlight sparkled against Louis' skin, the tan looking pale in the dimmed lights.

His bright blue eyes looked like an ocean trapped in his orbs, and the moon's reflection made them look like something more, something I snapped a mental picture of so I could keep forever as he looked up at me, finally done with his flowercrown. I sat next to him, tucking my feet under my long, lanky legs as I took a deep breath, and let it out. My palms started sweating, and I wiped them on my jeans. Beads of cold sweat littered my forehead and back, and my hands were shaking as my anxiety finally took its place in ruining this moment.

"Are you alright?" Louis' gentle and worried voice played through my ears, and he brushed a wild curl off my forehead, me visibly relaxing at his gentle gesture. 

I took another deep breath, trying to calm my unsettled nerves as I stared into Louis' large blue eyes, my heart beating like a humminbird's wings as I decided now would be as good as ever to start my speech. I bit my lip harshly as thoughts went through my mind, thoughts of doubt and rejection that made my stomach churn and my heart clench. I switched my position so I was sitting criss-cross next to Louis, who was now sitting with his short legs stretched out in front of him, a happy glimmer in his eyes as he smiled when I re-adjusted his flowercrown which had tilted a bit to the right. I took a deep breath again, calmed my nerves, and went on with my speech.

"Louis Tomlinson," I called his full name which I knew now, my palms sweating as I wiped them on my jeans again. "You are the most amazing person I have met in all my 20 years of life. Though I've only known you for a handful of months now, it doesn't matter, because I fall deeper every second I spend with you." A blush covered his cheeks as Louis buried his face in my chest, and I wrapped my arm around him. "I have anxiety and IED, but you didn't care. You never cared and I hope you never will, because I know that you have demons, we all do, but mine are just a bit more aggressive. I've spoken with Eleanor before, and I know what she did to you, and I'm sorry. And..."

I pulled the velvet box from my pocket and held it in my large hands. "I... I love you Louis. Will you do me the greatest pleasure, of becoming mine?"I opened the box, and stared in awe at its contents. Inside was a necklace, the chain made of fine silver, and the pendant gold. The pendant was a piece of rope craved from the gold, that was linked in an infinity symbol. Louis saw it from a side glance where his cheek layed against my chest, but he stared in awe at it. His hands were shaky as he looked it over, and I was nervous to hell waiting for his response. 

My anxiety was getting the best of me, the thoughts of Louis rejecting me flooding my brain, making my eyes fog up. I was just about to snap when a pair of arms wrapped around my neck and a head nuzzled itself into my neck, wet drops of water falling on my shoulder and the area that connected it and my neck. "Y-yes Harry, oh god yes." Louis cried, his lips brushing my neck with every word. All of my thoughts, good and bad, were thrown out the metaphorical window with those words, and I smiled, my actual smile, wider than I ever had before.

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