Chapter 19

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Gif on the side is not really Larry, it's just really cute.

Harry's POV

We went to lunch at the cafe where Louis works, and when we got there an over-enthusiastic girl greeted us.  Louis walked up to her and smacked the back of her head. "Hey!" She whined, but Louis ignored her. "Harry Blake Zayn and Abby, Jazz, Jazz, Harry Blake Zayn and Abby."  Louis introduced quickly, pointing to each of us in turn. Blake, Abby, and Zayn nodded their hello, and I waved. Then Louis attached himself to my side, nuzzling his body under my left arm. 

I brushed some of the hair that escaped from under the flower crown out of his face and smiled down at him, and Louis leaned up to brush his lips against my cheek. A high-pitched squeal emitted from Jazz, and Louis sent her the ultra-mega-uber-death-glare. She squeaked then disappeared behind the counter of the shoppe, and we went to go get our table.

Blake and Abby sat together, Zayn next to them on his phone, and Louis and I on Abby's right. "Niall says he should be here soon, just has to gather up his stuff from Lee's house." Zayn said to Blake, whom nodded. Abby smiled. "You guys will love Niall. Blake met him when she was in Ireland and they hit it off, then introduced him and Zayn and let me say, Zayn's room didn't smell normal for weeks." Blake laughed and Zayn blushed, crossing his arms over his chest and slumping in his seat like an upset 5 year old.

"You had to be there." Blake said to me, looking at Louis who was also blushing, hiding his face in my jumper. Technically we weren't sitting next to each other, Louis was basically on my lap the entire time. Abby and Zayn got a ham sandwich, Blake got a can of AriZona tea, and I got a salad which I shared with Louis. "You're not getting anything?" Louis asked Blake as she sipped her drink.

"I ate a large breakfast." She replied quickly, stumbling over her words. When she was done, she laid her head on Abby's shoulder. Abby raised her hand and patted Blake's head, then returned it to her sandwich and ate her last piece. She patted her pockets and her eyes widened in fear. "Shit!" She exclaimed, "I left my phone at the parlour. . ." She glanced apologetically at Zayn, Louis, and I then looked at Blake. "Let's go," she said softly, kissing the side of her head. Blake's head snapped up, and she stood up when Abby did.

"We'll be back soon," Abby promised. Then she took Blake's hand, and they left. Zayn slumped farther down into his seat and kept scrolling on whatever website he was on, and I continued eating my salad with Louis.

Unknown POV

You thought that was the end, didn't you? No. It wasn't. It'll never end. 

I clamped my hands over my ears as the sound of screeching, like nails running down a chalkboard, or the scream of a banshee filled my ears, and I dropped to my knees, whereas my female companion dropped to hers at my side, looking frantic as she scanned my body, trying to find out what was wrong. " -are you alright?? What's happening??" She asked, worry and shock evident in her voice, but fear the only emotion filling her eyes.

She should be afraid of me, that's a good thing, I thought, maybe she'll come to her senses. "I'm f-fine," I said, standing back up as people started to stare. "Just. . . Thirsty. Let's hurry, I wouldn't want to harm you, my love." I could practically feel her heart flutter as her eyes filled with love and she kissed my cheek, a smile of my own stretching my cheeks, my silver lip ring glinting in the sun's beams. "Let's." She agreed, and I picked her up, and we sped away, to her home, where fresh blood bags awaited my willing mouth.

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