My Body Lies... Really Bad Chapter 14- Fight

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I was up until, at least, two in the morning. There was a Myth Busters marathon on, and I couldn't resist, even though I had school at eight the next day.

Let's just say I didn't exactly have a good time waking up with only six hours of sleep. That was two hours less than what I usually had. Heck, guys needed their beauty sleep too. Speaking of beauty, I was looking a little more beastly this morning as I tightened the bandage around my chest.

Yesterday, I had stayed in bed basically the whole day. Zora called to yell at me about not sleeping with Del. After a while of chatting and arguing, however, I got her back on my side. She said that Del had just been acting sort of strange lately, and that she was prolly looking for a quick fix. Great, I was like freaking cocaine or something.

After that, I ignored my mother at dinner and then grabbed two cans of coke and went upstairs to take off my binding and get in bed. Caffeiene, is what I needed to stay awake, hence the coke. I watched whatever was on tv after that, until I ended up with Mythbusters. My mom and I used to watch it together, but now, that seemed to be a rather lost cause.

Back to school, and this morning. I dressed in a black and red striped T-shirt and black skinny Tripp jeans. They were only size three, and fit kind of loose around the waist, so I decided to wear my studded belt along with it. To top off my rebellious teenager angst-y outfit, I wore my flamed converse high-tops.

I caught and rode the bus alone, sitting in the very back. When I walked through the school doors and headed towards my locker bay, several people stared at me. Yeah, that's right, I'm badass. Haha, not really. But I could be. I keep my shoulder bag pressed tight against my side, trying to hide as much of my body as possible. Guys are supposed to keep their self-consciousness inside themselves, but with everyone staring, it's really hard. I run to my locker as fast as I can, and empty out my back pack's contents.

Suddenly, a shadow is cast over me just as I'm shutting my locker. I turn fast on my heels with my stuff secure in my arms. Matt.

"Hey girly, just thought I'd let ya know that I'm still up on telling Del. Dude, you just can't keep your freak hands off my sister, can you? Filthy lesbian! Why is it always the gay people that love my little sis? You have some sort of fan club going on?" He says, sneering. Oh my cheese, I'm gonna punch this guy. Before I can move my hand though, the bell rings.

"Shut up, I'm gonna be late to class, asshole." I say, pushing past him to head to my first period. Stupid, stupid, stupid, high school jocks. Even if I was capable of signing up for any sport, I wouldn't. My metabolism keeps me skinny enough, and I can be althletic when I want to. Cross country was big in Middle School, but I didn't wanna risk anyone finding out if I did it. Like, what team, would they put me on anyways?

*                                                                                        *                                                                                   *

Matt was on my mind throughout my first four periods, all the way until lunch, where I'd have to put up with seeing his stupid face again. God, I wanted to hit this guy so bad. I wonder if he'd told Del yet? If so, she'd never talk to me again. Face it, she'd think that she had kissed a girl and turned into Katy Perry or something. Nope. What her brother couldn't tell her,was that I was a guy, through and through, no matter what anyone else said.

As I sat down at our usual lunch table, I saw Del sitting regularly in her normal spot, casually chatting with Simone. She didn't look upset. Maybe I'd gotten lucky. Yet, as I was just about to sit down, I saw an all-too-familiar asshole heading this way. He came right up to Del, and pulled her up to his ear. Before saying anything, he gave me a big smile. Oh hell no! I leapt across the table, and tackled Matt to the ground. Of course, he didn't stay underneath me for long. Instead, he wound up punching me in the jaw, instantly pissing me off even more. I got a good kick to his face, before kneeing him square in the nards. All the while, Riot by Three Days Grace was playing through my head, over and over.

Matt grabbed his junk and moved into the fetal position. I had always been proud of my bony knees. Now they'd finally done me some good. However, Del was now glaring down at me, while the rest of the table and half the cafeteria were gaping at me. Uh oh, seems little Evan had caused a wee bit of a scene. I quickly stood up and brushed myself off, glaring back at Del. Her gaze sort of softened, and I smiled at her.

"Sorry, you should prolly have someone take him to get some ice. That tends to hurt....a lot." I said, before running straight out of the cafeteria, and out of the school.

Woohoo, I smell at least a two day suspension in the midst. Oh, and if I'm lucky, even a really harsh talk from my mother. Yipee! (I hate my life.)

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