Chapter Fifteen: Not Such a Bad Guy

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My story is so confusing. I really hate it. I don't think anyone really reads this, but for the people who actually do, here's another chapter. Oh! Also, I added one sentence in the last chapter that will make more sense on how Lela could walk/stand. You'll see what I'm talking about.

Oh! THIS IS IMPORTANT, BUT DO NOT READ THIS NEXT PART IF YOU ARE A NEW READER AND GOT HERE AFTER THIS CHAPTER WAS UPLOADED : I deleted that scene where Leif tells the group about Timothy, so now they don't know, and Leif doesn't know. Nobody knows, except Silver. Oh geez, its a spoiler, though.

   An explosion. Out of nowhere, I was being flown into the sky, only to be dropped back down by gravity. I think I was screaming, but I couldn't really tell. I noticed blood pouring out of my wounds as I fell, and I was missing some of my left leg. I was definitely screaming now.

     I looked down. I saw a flash come out of my bag, and then someone running.

     It seemed like forever, before I finally landed on the ground. Everything hurt. I landed on my back, and I couldn't move. I stared up at the sky, glaring at the stars that seemed to be laughing at me. I closed my eyes.

     When I was younger, my mother used to tell me that the stars were spirits, and every one of them used to be a living thing. We didn't have the science to see what they really were, though, so I believed it. And I still do.

      My mother... She looks nothing like me, and neither does my father. She used to be very kind, and I'm not sure what happened. I do know, though, that she used to love my father and I. Before she changed...

      I heard my name, I think.

      "-Ela! Lela!" Definitely my name.

      I opened my eyes, only to see a pair of blood red eyes staring back at me, full of concern, and another emotion I couldn't quite put my finger on.

      "Oh, thank goodness you are alright! Or at least I think you are... What happened to your leg?! There's blood all over you! We need to get you to a hospital!" The voice sounded masculine, and I could see a head full of silver hair.

      "Ru... no... Sil...ver?" I managed to get out, and I swear I could see a smile on his face. A genuine smile.

      "Ru? Ru what? Never mind, your health is my number one priority right now!" Silver exclaimed, determination showing in his eyes, but still with concern and that other emotion.

      "Silver... What mob are you? I've... always wondered." I asked, as he picked me up.

      "Well, I guess I was a spider... Even though I may not look much like it." He replied.

      "Was? I guess you kind of do look like a spider... Especially your eyes... I had a spider friend... And... His eyes were just like yours... He died, though..."

     Silver stared at me for a while, still heading toward the hospital. His red eyes felt like they were burning into my soul, and it made me uncomfortable. "What... What was his name?" He asked. I couldn't tell if it was curiosity or uncertainty in his voice.

     "Tim...othy... Definitely Timothy."

     Silver looked away, but I'm pretty sure I saw a tear come out of his eye. The question was, why?

     We finally arrived at the hospital, just as things got awkward.


      I think I had been in the hospital for a week before I was allowed visitors. Claire, Silver,  and two guys came in.

     "Hi, guys. Who's this?" I looked at the cat person.

     "You don't recognize him? He's the cat you apparently saved from streetcats that could've kill him, if you hadn't taken him. His name is Leif." Claire explained.

     "Wow, I didn't know you were a mob! I just though you were a regular cat!" I exclaimed.

     "I'm Adam, the Chicken Prince." The other guy said.


      After we had talked a bit, and informed me of things that had happened while I was in the hospital, they decided it was time to leave. As they walked out the door, I called out to Silver.

     "What is it?" He asked, confused.

     I smiled at him. "I don't think you're such a bad guy."


And that's chapter 15! Basically what happened in between the events of chapter 13 and 14. Vote and Comment, please! Thank you! Bye!

QotD: What is your favorite ship in Soul of the Ender?

AotD: Adam/Claire I think.

What about you?

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