Chapter Twelve: Adam

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My writing has really sucked for a while. I am really sorry I haven't updated in a while. This chapter is just about the people hanging out together and becoming better friends I guess.

-June 17, 2014- Ugh. I've been having a massive writers block. I'm sorry.

-June 24, 2014- Gah, this is terrible and short and hopefully the next chapter is going to be longer and more exciting.

~Nobody's Pov~

Claire was troubled. After seeing the stranger fly with feathered wings, she knew he was a Chicken .

The Pig Kingdom and the Chicken Kingdom were at war, and having the Chicken Kingdom know that Claire wasn't there could be bad.

Claire went over to the Chicken. Silver had tied him up, and Claire could see it was trying to get out. Their eyes met, and an awkward silence followed. The awkwardness and silence was soon over, as Silver suddenly appeared.

"I'm going to go find Lela," Silver said, a look of worry on his face. "I forgot we left her behind. I hope she's okay. Can you watch this guy?"

Claire didn't like the idea of watching the Chicken, but before she could say anything, Silver was already gone.

The chicken made a small noise and Claire looked over at him.

"What is it? I know what you are, Chicken. Tell me what you were doing and who you are." Claire said, glaring at the young man.

"Fine then. I am the Chicken Prince, Prince Adam, and I was sent to- to get food for the king!" The prince told her, rushing the last part of his sentence.

"Why would the Chicken King send his son to get food? Why not tell a guard to get some? And why did you come all the way to the Cat Kingdom to get food?" Claire asked, with a bit of suspicion

The Chicken looked surprised. "I didn't think you would think about that. Fine then. I'll tell you the real reason. I was actually sent to kill you, but I won't, if you let me out." Adam said, poking the rope that tied him up. Where did Silver even get the rope? Does he carry it around with him? What does he do with it?

Claire was actually surprised that the prince admitted that he was supposed to kill her. Well, he did want to get out, and Claire was good at telling if someone was lying or not, since she had a sister who takes her stuff.

Claire sighed. "I have to wait until Silver gets here. Or until Lela gets here. I don't think Silver would hurt her." (AN: Timelord_Sweg this is for you since you ship them)

Claire then took out a small box full of candy from the Cat Kingdom.

"Do you want one?" Claire said, stuffing a chocolate and marshmallow one in her mouth.

"Ah, sure. It won't hurt to have one, I guess?" Adam said, making it sound more like a question than a statement.

Claire gave him a chocolate, when a short cat person ran up to them, a look of worry on his face.

"A-are you two Claire and...Uh... Adam?" He asked, almost screaming.

"Uh, yeah..?" Claire answered.

The cat person looked a bit relieved. "Good, because Lela's in trouble!"


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