Chapter Fourteen: Life...Less

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Oh, haha, I don't know why, but apparently it said this book is in Spanish.


Cyan sighed. his friend, Cynthia, walked up to him. "Why are ya sighin, Cyan? Its all I see you do, these days." She said, sitting at a table.

Cyan had gotten a job at the cafe, since he was there so much. "Well, I've gotten a job offering from the Sea King, from the End Queen. She is requesting someone to go and kill someone, who she says is a criminal. I'm not one to kill, but if its a criminal... And the pay is high... The King asked me because they wanted someone who no one would miss, in case they kill me."

"Well that's depressing. And anyway, I would miss you," Cynthia smiled. "I wouldn't take it, but I know you have money problems."


Cyan looked down. He was on a tree, which was quite uncomfortable and weird feeling to him, since he was from the sea. He watched the people below him. It seemed that they were greeting eachother. The "criminal" had a staff that seemed to make up as cane, and he noticed some of her left leg missing.

He didn't understand why this girl would be a criminal, she seemed too nice. He jumped down, and they were surprised.

"Who are you?!" The pink haired one cried out, hiding behind a chicken. She seemed to be the chicken, in this case.

"I'm just a traveling Squid*." He replied, and stared at the criminal.

She noticed his stares and looked at him awkwardly. "Well, traveling squids don't jump out of trees," She said, pulling at her terrible looking hair. "You were watching us, weren't you."

He stayed silent, and looked at her clothes. They were ripped and burnt, and it looked like she had been through a lot. "What happened to you? You look like you've been blown up."

An awkward silence filled the room, and Cyan realized how terrible that must have sounded. "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize how rude that-"

"Its alright," She interrupted, and looked at the ground. "I look like that because I was blown up."

So someone else tried to kill her? They failed. She looks injured though. Did they know she had this many people accompanying her? Did the person die?

"-Llo? Squid? Your making me uncomfortable..." Lost in thought, Cyan didn't realize he was staring at the girl.

"Sorry, I didn't realize..." He didn't finish his sentence, as he saw a silver-haired guy glaring at him. The girl saw, and sighed.

"Silver, can you stop glaring at every person we meet?" She said, annoyed.

The boy, apparently named Silver, looked away. "Sorry," He mumbled. "He just gives me a bad feeling..."


Cyan couldn't do it. They were too nice. He had left them, hopefully unnoticed, to go back to his kingdom.

He walked to the Squid Castle, and knocked on the door to the Throne Room.

"Excuse me? It's me, Cyan." He said, and the door opened. He froze, and looked at what was before him in horror.

"Oh, hello there, Cyan. I heard you were the one who is supposed to kill the criminal? I have been waiting for her to die, that terrible girl." A woman, who apparently is the End Queen, said.

Cyan nervously put his hands behind his back. "Uh.. Yeah! She's dead now. It took a while to kill her." He lied, wanting to run out of the room.

The End Queen suddenly glared at him.

"You are lying," She hissed, walling toward him. "You never lie to a Queen!"

She stuck a hand inside her shoe, and pulled something out. She pulled Cyan by his collar and brought him close to her face. "You will now pay the price!"

The last thing Cyan saw was the sharp teeth of a dragon, before he was dropped onto the floor with another lifeless body.

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