Prologue: Purple, Blue, and Black Skies.

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     Some People might know about the End Kingdom. Some may not. But that doesn't matter. I mean, yeah we are in the kingdom, but. . . Let's just say you will gain information on The End Kingdom later on. Hopefully.

        In the great halls of a majestic and beautiful castle, there was a girl. A young woman, perhaps in her teens. She sat on the steps of the royal staircase, sighing, like she does whenever her mother lectures her. She had just caused a great racket in the early morning, but you could almost never tell, for the skies were black, with little bits of purple and blue sparkling in it. Beautiful, some might say, but to this girl it was a stupid waste of beauty made for her people who were rude and unforgiving.

They don't deserve the beauty of the sky. Not even the dark, black, emptiness of it all. She thought.

       I might as well tell you her name. Princess Lela of the Enderlanders, Monsters of The End, cruel creatures who almost never miss a chance to fight. They fight for no reason, too. If they do have a reason (Which is quite rare)  it is a stupid and immature one. Like, "He/She said they love cake but I love it more and I couldn't have them have the title of Cake Lover!" or something like that.

       A flurry of purple sparkles appeared in front of Lela, startling her for only a second.

   Ugh. I already told him I don't need cheering up.

Lela got up and walked away before her friend could appear in the sparkles. Enders had a special talent. Actually many talents, but let's focus on their main one, teleportation. Endermen can teleport anywhere, and I mean anywhere.

      Lela was about to open the doors to the Royal Garden, when she was stopped by a hand on her shoulder. "Geez, Lela, wait up. You've been acting like this for a week. I want to know what's been bothering you so much." Lela's best friend, Elliot, said, worry in his usually calm voice.

       "Well. . ." Lela started, knowing she could trust Elliot. "The Queen is going to a "special meeting" with the Pigs, and she wants me to go with her. When I had told her I didn't want to go, I didn't realize how high my voice was and apparently caused some trouble in the castle." Lela sighed.

She just didn't know what to do. Her mother tells her to stand up for herself, but when she does, she gets in trouble.

      Lela went outside, with Elliot following closely behind her. Looking up at the purple-blue-and-black sky, Lela sighed and sat down on a giant Sand-colored rock. She just realized how much she admired how amazing her sky was. Her kingdoms sky.

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