"What was all that about?" Kiri asked

"I'm hungry. Who's got food?"

"Here." Katsuki handed you a granola bar.

He always carried around some food for you because you got extremely angry when you were hungry. During break, you almost went all out on Bakugo because you were to bussy training to eat lunch and then you were hungry so you almost choked the living shit out of him.

"Thanks!" You happily bit into the granola bar.

"But seriously, why'd you threaten four eyes over there?" Katsuki asked

"Cuz I don't like it when people want me to act like a girl. It's annoying. I wanna get dirty ya know? Let's go do some guy things after school ya?" You looked around at your friends who all shrugged saying they had nothing better to do.

Aizawa walked in and started talking about the combat exam.

He told us to change into our costumes and meet him at one of the training grounds.

You went to the girls locker room and changed into your hero costume. Since the USJ incident, your costume had been repaired and you added a few upgrades.

(Starting from the top down, a description of your costume)

A guard for your ears that sits on the top of your head. It doesn't limit their movement or hearing ability. It protects them from being bent or damaged during combat.

Special goggles to keep debris out of your sensitive eyes. Your eyes can see very well in the dark and can see pretty far

Small pointed teeth with large top and bottom fangs. Very painful when bitten. Can easily tear into flesh and draw great amounts of blood. (You also like eating red meat)

A white shirt covered by a black leather jacket. Specially designed to not restrict movement and zips at the side.

Arm braces to reduce strain while running. Fingerless gloves braces for better traction while running on all fours

Dark navy blue ripped jeans made from flexible material that allows you to move freely while running. Small spiked studs down the sides and near the pockets. Curves around tail.

Tail is used to keep balance while running on all fours

Knee high black boots with inbedded iron braces to reduce strain on legs while running. Specially designed sole for traction and power.

Your whole costume is made of special materials so that your movement was not restricted and so your sensitive areas like ears, eyes, and tail are protected.

When you exited the changing room, you went over to meet the rest of your class in front of the training grounds.

"Y/n! You changed your costume. It looks great." Deku said noticing you.

"Thanks deku."

(Your hero name is Fox or you could think of something more creative if you want)

Aizawa explained the test and said that it will be a matter of working with a partner to capture a teacher and place handcuffs on them. Your partner will be sero and your opponent will be midnight. (Because fuck mineta he's trash)

After some of the other pairs went on to go to different training grounds and start their exam, you followed midnight and sero to an area that was really fun down and broken looking. Once you were inside, midnight disappeared and you were left with sero.

"What is midnights quirk?" You asked him

"Uh, I think she smells nice or something like that." He answered

"Smell huh? It probably messes with your mind or something. Sero give me some of your tape."

He gave you some and you made a mask out of it. Using it you blocked your mouth and nose.

"Keep your helmet closed."

He nodded and you both entered the arena. You saw a pretty high piece of debris so you climbed to the top and looked around. You saw the familiar spiked black hair of midnight at the end of the arena near the exit.

"She's at the exit." You tell sero jumping down. "Keep up." You tell him while starting to run on all fours.

You see sero a little way behind using his tape to navigate the buildings. Midnight is waiting for you at the exit. Sero stops beside you. Midnight quickly moves aside. She tears a piece of her clothing off her arm and gets behind sero. She opened his helmet and sero collapsed on the ground. He's asleep. Your sensitive nose picks up the fregrance, it smells sweet and calming.

You hold the mask over your face and run around midnight. Careful not to breath in any more of the aroma, you try to get closer to her. She moves out of the way and rips off more of her clothing. The scent is stronger. You drop again to four and hold your breath. You take the mask off and hold the handcuffs in your mouth. Running towards her, you lash out with your claws. She dodges but you manage to scratch her slightly.

Running around and zig-zagging through the debris, she chases after you. You find a clear spot to catch your breath. You see midnight, well you smelled her first, and you extend your hand. Midnights strength flows into you and you see her stagger and slow down. You take as much power as you think is safe to keep yourself from passing out. Holding the handcuffs in one hand, you jump up drop down beside her. Her movements slowed so you had just barely enough time to clasp the handcuffs around one of her wrists.

You make your way back to sero and drag him through the exit gate. You passed the exam.

"Wow! You were really good." Kiri says when you reach the rest of your class. They had watched your match in a monitoring room.


"Hey, Bakugo and midoria were paired up and their fighting all might now. Wanna see?"

"They paired Bakugo up with deku?! Are they crazy?!"

You ran into the observation room and saw a broken looking deku and nearly unconscious katsuki on the screens. They were both trying to get to the exit. Deku was carrying a limp kachan while all might advanced on them. Finaly after a lot of struggle, they made it out and passed the exam. You went up to the exit of their arena to find katsuki fading in and out of consciousness. You picked him up and carried him to recovery girl. Deku was brought in shortly afterwards.

After they were both healed, the remained unconscious for hours. You sat by katsuki's bed and eventually fell asleep. In the morning, he woke up and you helped him back to the dorms. There he passed out again on the couch. You layed with him and slept there for the night.

Now you will be able to go to the summer training camp.

Still can't figure out how mineta got into the hero course

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Still can't figure out how mineta got into the hero course. He's literally trash. Perverted trash.

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