How to court someone in secret

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Anne agreed to be courted. The rule was that she would be the one to tell others when she felt the time was right and until then, it would all be a secret the two of them enjoyed.

Well, Gilbert didn't exactly enjoy having this secret relationship. He wanted to be able to show her off and since Anne hadn't told Ruby about them yet it would be a huge problem. Anne hadn't even told Diana, her kindred spirit! Maybe Anne, Gilbert, and Diana could be the only holders of this? But how unfair was it not to tell nobody besides Diana? Anne was never really the very secretive one. She is always opened about her feelings and troubles and keeping this secret would be difficult. Surprisingly someone else seemed to have even a bigger time keeping it a secret. She knew how happy he was she was definitely not the one to judge since she felt the same but every little small thing was changed now. Gilbert was always close in reach, she spent so much more time with him and he treated everybody else differently. If someone ever drops a comment about Anne in his surrounding they got a real scolding waiting ahead.

Much to Anne's delight as well as her disadvantage of keeping it a secret, Gilbert was nowadays so much more protective and especially when it came to both Josie and Billy.

The afternoon sky was clear and at it's brightest. Today a social gathering was to be held in the town hall and Anne found it very disappointing that the beautiful day would go to waste because they have to stay inside. But except for that Anne was euphoric about what the day had to offer. This gathering was held by the Rachel Lynde. Everybody from school would be there. Everybody from every part of town would be there. There would be food to enjoy, there would be music to dance to, and there would be games and all amusing other things you could do. Shortly summed, there was something for everybody.

Anne had not been to many gatherings before and this would be her first. This time, however, unlike when the ball was coming up she was not nervous. If she survived a ball then she could survive this too. The difference was she thought this would actually be a lot of fun. A relaxing evening you spend with people you love and respect, what would meet up to that?

Accompanied by Ruby and Diana, Anne walked through their village to get to the church where it was to be held. Actually, not in the church, but in front of it.

"Anne, what's the name of that lad on your farm?"

Ruby asked looking as if she was really curious. The question was very unexpected and Anne got really surprised herself.

"Jerry? What about him?"

Anne wondered. Why would anybody want to talk about Jerry? No one even knew him? Or at least it seemed so.

"Oh no need to read into it! I was simply curious"

Ruby said and let out a little giggle while raising her eyebrows. Even the way she walked implied happiness. Diana seemed surprised as well because she looked at Anne with a smile.

"Whatever you please"

Anne said and giggled and then changed the subject.

"I am fairly hungry!"

She uttered and Diana nodded in agreement.

"I'm sure food will be in place, we are talking about a gathering made by Rachel Lynde here!"

They all laughed and arrived to the scene. Almost everyone was here and the sun shined ever so brightly. Anne spotted Marilla standing with Matthew a few courts away and immediately rushed over to great them.

"Matthew and Marilla, dear greetings I wish you" Anne smiled so brightly.

Matthew looked confused and Marilla even more so but as always, she just nodded.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2021 ⏰

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