The ball is hunting minds

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"Anne! Over here!"

Before the little redhead, Anne Shirley had the chance to take a look around, Diana's voice brought her to the seat next to hers.


"Anne, what on earth have you been up to? I paid a visit to your house yesterday but Marilla and Matthew told me you weren't there?"

Diana almost sounded worried sitting there beside Anne with a wrinkled forehead and her light blue dress and rosettes. Beautiful looking as always.

"Oh you know, enjoying the so as of speak beautiful environment we live in. Aren't the flowers beautiful this time of the year? All shiny, glorious, looking directly at me with bright colors, telling me how marvelous they feel. God I wan't to be a flower one day"

Diana laughed and nodded in agreement.

"But flowers? Have you been out all day just to observe flowers?"

Diana wondered and now it was Anne's turn to intend a laugh.

"Of course I have not. I was studying and I do that best when I have something prepossessing to look at, therefore the flowers"

Diana sighted happily at the response. To her, having Anne out all day by herself could only be because something she didn't want to talk about with someone had happened. Diana knew how much Anne loved people.

"Studying huh? You really want to be prepared for what the future a holds"

Anne smiled at her friend.

"I sure do"

Was her only tiny words. But to everyone else they sounded very powerful. Tillie from two seats away nudged Diana's shoulder carefully and they both turned around to face a group of girls. Ruby, Josie, Tillie and Pricilla faced them with big eyes.

"Have you read the posters outside the church?"

Ruby asked the two girls when they turned. All of the girls smiled dreamily and excitement filled their eyes as they giggled. Normally Anne would assume that type of giggles was because someone made fun of her. But not now.

"I believe I have to answer no, what's going on?"

Diana asked and also she could obviously see the other girls excitement looks. Tillie leaned in closer and whispered.

"The yearly ball is coming up next weekend!"

Now also Diana let out a giggle and a laugh. Unfortunately Anne didn't share their excitement because she was totally oblivious to whatever this so as called yearly ball was. And in the moment, too afraid of humiliation to ask. Everybody seemed to know, everybody except her. But she made a mental note to ask Diana afterward. The conversation went on and after a while, Diana and herself turned around in their seats again. Anne spared no time to ask her friend.

"What is a ball? The word sounds Is it like a hay kind of ball?"

Diana laughed at Anne's silly question.

"No Anne, a ball is kind of an event. Like a dance or like a tea party. But more formal. And it have absolutely nothing to do with hay"

Anne looked with eyes that told her friend Diana that she didn't quite understand. And before Diana had the chance to explain further, Anne's questions began.

"I don't understand what you mean. Is it like a dance mixed with a tea party but without hay? That don't sounds like anything I've ever heard of before"

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