Why competitions is a good thing

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This was a day of competition for sure. First in class came the classic spelling bee, which Anne happened to win. After her cold catching up had been her main focus throughout the days and now she when she was completely recovered and back she had reached her goals by eliminating the other competitors, including the one and only Gilbert Blythe.

After school, it was spoken about a snowball fight. Anne found the concept of it quite cruel but decided to give it a try. It may sound cruel but it sure sounded fun. This year it was decided that girls and boys were to be against each other. Normally they would mix the teams to make it more even but Anne had nagging how that was to have preconceived sentences and that girls were at least as good. She practically challenged the boys into a duel and they all confidently engaged.

It was arranged that after school they would all meet up and go through the rules before actually starting the so as called war. Luckily Anne had managed to gather a squad of almost every girl in their class, all except Josie Pye.

"Never would I ever play such childish games! I will entertain myself at home were more matureness is to be found"

Josie Pye muttered as she walked home alone after school. The other girls however thought of it as fun after Anne had convinced them but it took a lot of convincing. Before they could clarify the war officially started the girls had to discuss their tactics. This was not a playfully game they were about to play. They played to win. To concur. To destroy. To do everything but lose. It was decided that the girls were first to hide the flag.

"Are we really doing this? I mean the boys are so much stronger and smarter!"

Tillie said worried as always. Anne shook her head.

"That is nonsense, Tillie! We are just as good if not better and brighter. By the way, we are about to use their weaknesses"

Anne said and caught everybody's attention as the girls gathered in a circle.

"Which is?"

Asked Ruby curiously and looked up to Anne who stood in the middle confidently.

"Them being boys versus us being girls"

Anne declared with a prideful smile.

"I do not think I quite understand?"

Said Diana in confusion and fuzzed her eyebrows. Anne smiled before explaining and after that, they made up a plan to beat the boys.

Meanwhile, the group of boys was discussing their own tactics. Which proved to be simpler.

"We attack them with full forces. Two men build a wall of snow to hide behind. We are stronger and will outnumber them eventually. The rules are that if you get hit you are out"

Planned Billy loudly and he got the girls eyes on him too. Anne rolled hers and started whispering to the girls again.

"I would not be so foolhardy. They might look small but they could easily trick us"

Said Gilbert in defense of the girls. He hated when Billy talked about them like they were nothing but the ones that brought babies to the world and cooked dinner. Women's were also humans having the same importance as men. What couldn't Billy understand about that?

"Yeah right, like that's going to happen"

He answered sarcastically and Gilbert looked at him in disbelief.


Gilbert said harshly and let Billy continue to speak. He would not be so sure of himself once the girls proved to be smarter and stronger than he had expected.

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