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After a few months of school Gil, but began to think that he finally was closer to his goal of becoming a doctor. Ms Stacy was not herself a educated one but she worked perfectly as the middle party who gave him books and notes to study on his own. She helped him on his way and for that he couldn't other than be grateful. That was way more than Mr Phillips ever bothered or cared to do. With that said Gilbert was very pleased with Ms Stacy as his replacement.

The weather has dramatically changed lately. The previous hot winds were now replaced with very chilly ones and the rain has also faced their opposition as the snow has fallen over Avonlea and on the entire island of Prince Edward. The coats he dressed in nowadays were a lot warmer with thicker fabric and yet more layers of such.

To traverse the forest to school was exhausting and even worse when he came there not to face a sublime Anne Shirley Cuthbert. She had been out of school for a while and it made him anxious. He missed her even if she was only gone for some days. Her delightful and charming ways of being was nowhere to be found and he was truthfully missing it. He found out from Diana that poor Anne had catch a cold and was not to attend school in at least another week from Ms Cuthbert's directives.

Anne had grown into something more than just a competition. She was more than just a competitor. She was becoming more than even just a friend. He knew that simply because the way he missed her was not even close to the way he missed a friend. This hurt so much more. The week that Ms Cuthbert had said was final expanded to two weeks. Gilbert needed to see her. See if she was okay, see if she needed anything, watch her beauty, hear her talk with him, find out if she missed him as well and so the list grew longer with every second.

One day he heard that Diana was to give Anne some books not to fall behind due to her illness. This was his chance to find the answers to all of his questions.  When class was dismissed he turned down a offer from Charlie Sloane to spend a day together and instead hurried to Diana who were still packing her things, trying to balance the now gigantic pile of books she was to carry.

"Diana! Are you to bring those to Anne?"

He asked pointing at the books and Diana nodded while fixing every button on her coat.

"I could bring them over instead, I mean if you let me? I been worried sick and thinking that I should check on Anne's condition myself"

Gilbert explained and a sly smile from Diana told him that she liked the idea.

"That is by any means fine by me!"

Diana said giggling for some reason while handing him over the pile of books. They were heavy! Anne had missed a lot of school work and he knew that she surely was all but happy to fall behind.

"Oh right! Marilla asked me not to visit Anne until after 5 o'clock. She seems to be resting before in her bed!"

Diana said to him and he was taking in the facts and then nodded. Disrespecting Marilla or any other Cuthbert was not something he aspired to do and therefor made a mental note.

Gilbert walked home alone thinking about what he can say to Anne once he meet her. He was surely going to ask about her condition first. Anne never wanted to miss school, she valued her education more than others. So when she did miss school it was not her choice. It was Ms Cuthbert doing, and if Ms Cuthbert did this then it must be because Anne is terribly sick.

He walked home before going to the Cuthbert's still remembering Diana warning about paying a visit before a certain clock strike. Home was Bash and Mary standing in the kitchen, cooking something smelling heavenly.

"One day you will have to teach me all of lovely these receipts"

Gilbert said while undressing his scarf, double coats, sweater, hat, gloves and winter boots.

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