Chapter 1: New Hell

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Against all the evil that hell can conjure... all the wickedness mankind can produce... we will send unto them... only you. Rip and Tear until it is done - King Novik

After a hard fought battle against the Icon of Sin, Doom Slayer looks down the building of which it fell down. He just stares down with no words that echo his fulfillment that it is finally over. The past 24 hours were hell on Earth, literally, and he now wants to go back to his fortress to relax to some heavy metal.

"Opening a portal back to the fortress," Vega exclaimed. "We should hurry on ahead."

Vega was Slayer's most trusted ally in his and the Slayer's eyes. He always knew what the Slayer wanted. When Dr. Hayden advised them not to blow a hole open in the surface of Mars by using the BFG-10000 at the UAC facility on Phobos, Vega immediately opened a portal to that base and helped the Slayer blow open a hole into the surface of Mars.

When the Slayer walked through the portal that was supposed to bring them back to the Fortress of Doom, something felt off. He looked around and everything was dark even though he could see it all clearly.

"This is odd," Vega stated worriedly. "I'm positive I put the right inputs and coordinates for our destination. I'm going to find our signal to see where we are."

Vega then tries to locate their signal, but it never locates anywhere...

"Slayer, I'd prepared just in case. We don't know what we are up against"

As the words were being spoken, Slayer pulled out his legendary double-barrel shotgun and started walking forward. As he was, he saw someone afar sitting in a large chair. He walked closer and closer until he saw... her.

It was a girl with blue hair along with a dress that matched. She had a green bow tie with yellow end, a blue skirt with yellow on the bottom edge, blue leggings, and sleeves that covered most of her arm besides her shoulders and part of her upper-arm.

"Human...," the lady says as she begins to speak with her eyes shut, "I'm the Goddess Aqua. You have passed on unto the afterlife and are now dead. I'm sorry this has happened to you so soon."

Doom Slayer just stood there in utter confusion. He knows he didn't "pass on" or anything and proceeds to put his shotgun away. Vega is just as confused as he is.

Vega decides to speak for the Slayer, "Miss, we never passed on. We went through a portal and it sent us to the wrong destination."

She then opens her eyes and recoils in horror. She sees a man standing there with blood tainted over his green suit of armor. He sees his muscles bulging out in the bits of armor where none is there and immediately realizes that she isn't dealing with the usual type of humans. She normally sends younger boys/girls to heaven or she reincarnates them. Sometimes, she sends them to another world to save the inhabitants there from the Demon Lord, but to no avail.

"WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?!," she screams in utter shock.

"Well..." Vega starts, "we just wiped out the demonic presence on Earth and saved humanity along with it."

"...what," Aqua says while still being shocked by the man in front of him. "Wait.. why isn't he talking?"

"He never speaks as he just does through actions," Vega answers

"What actions?"

"Usually one's where someone or something is killed".

She then reverts back to her normal state as she has a plan that could quite possibly work. She was going to give the same long-winded speech about saving a fantasy world from the Demon Lord that controls it. She shakes her head, recuperates, and says the following, "Oh great warrior... another world is in peril. This world... is ruled ruthlessly by the demon..."

Before she even continues, Doom Slayer pulls out his shotgun and cocks it.

"WOAH WHAT THE HELL," Aqua yells loudly. "I'm a goddess, not a demon! I'm not evil! Don't kill me!"

"He's not," Vega states. "He wants to help take out the demonic presence on that world."

"Wait...," Aqua says confusedly. "That's all it took to convince him?"


Aqua just deadpan stares at Slayer for a couple of seconds and perks up, "Well, before I send you, you have to pick a skill, ability, or weapon you want to take with you! It will make your journey a lot easier." She then casted a spell which let papers rain down from the sky. "So, pick one and choose wisely! And if you don't like anything there, you can pick anything else."

The Slayer walks a little bit forward and kneels down to collect the scattered papers. He then proceeded to sit down and glance at his options.

While he is browsing through the papers, Vega proceeds to ask, "How will we understand the language that is spoken in that world?"

"That's quite simple... wait, what's your guy's names anyways," Aqua asks.

"My name is Vega," he answers. "I'm an artificial intelligence software that was engineered to operate at the UAC Mars base. The person you see before you is called the Doom Slayer. The exact amount of demons he has killed is unknown, but the number ranges in the billions."

Aqua's jaw just dropped and then curled up in the chair and thought, "This can't be happening?! I'm sitting right in front of the most lethal man in existence! What do I do? Do I kill him... no! He would kill me in an instant. What about befriending him? YES! But how..." She continues to think like this for minutes on end, but then the Slayer proceeds to stand up.

"Oh!," she exclaimed. "You've made your decision?"

He stands up, looks straight at Aqua, lifts his arm, and points a finger at her. Aqua asks confused of what he is implying, "You...," she points at herself, "want me?"

The Slayer puts his arm down and nods.

Vega perks up and says, "I see his reasoning. He believes that you would be the most valuable asset to our mission."

"You know... I don't believe you can do that. But, if you want god-like powers, I can..." Aqua is cut-off and a woman with wings and a purple dress comes from the sky and Aqua and the Slayer look directly up.

"The Slayer's request goes with our guidelines," she states firmly.

BFG Division starts to play

Circles with odd writing begin to form around the Slayer and Aqua as they begin to levitate off the ground. Aqua begins to yell, "Wait, you got this all wrong! I'm a goddess, you can't send me here! What about my duties?"

"Don't worry Lady Aqua," the woman exclaimed calmly. "Someone else will tend to your duties while you are away. Best of luck to you both!"


Doom Slayer just stares at her with a deadpan "really" expression as they begin to move towards the light and teleport to this new world to save it from havoc!


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