Indefinite Hold... Maybe Canceled?

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Hello! I'm the author of this story. My name is LoveSexDreams, LSD, whatever you wanna call me. I have some very unfortunate news to share with you all, so please sit back and enjoy this probably semi-long reading.

Six years ago next month, I will have officially been writing this book for almost six years, which was a good quarter of my almost eight years on this app / website. I still remember starting this story only because I really wanted to incorporate Bendy into my "FNIA: Surprised?" book but I just couldn't get a good connection between the two, so I just made a brand new book to get my interest for the series in there. I never thought the book would take off like it did, honestly. I only ever did the book for creative expression as I was really tired of just writing lame FNIA books that by that age, I had really grown out of.

But unfortunately, six years later and only a couple chapters out, I have to announce an indefinite hold on this book. I really, really wish I didn't have to, but for the time being and to not give any false hope to readers, I have to put a hold on this book for awhile. I made this announcement a few weeks ago but I figured I would post it here since I know there is a good chunk of readers that don't follow me.

I mean this book has pretty much been on hold since early 2020, when I last published a chapter for it. I got caught up in the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic and still had to finish up my freshman year of high school online. After the last chapter I did, I really got burned out and kind of scared since Wattpad was hitting me with heavy warnings for stuff I had no control over, like somehow restricting me for DRAFTS I had from 2016 that I deleted FOUR YEARS before. They also flagged an image that was literally sitting in my drafts, which was not published at all, so I don't know what they were really picking issues with. Keep in my mind none of the photos ever got published and either A. got deleted or B. sat in my drafts for a long time. Either way, I really got scared away from writing for awhile, which really killed off any hope I had to continue this book.

Come to present time with me fully being back for the past month, I have recently started a new book that was pretty much a replacement for one of my other books... and kind of this book. "What do you mean?" Well what I mean is that I wanted to write a new book with my own originally written characters. No, I am not saying the original art is mine of course not, but the backstories and personalities are something I come up with on my own. For a very long time, this was that book. Bendy, Alice, Boris, and Michael were all of course characters from Bendy and The Ink Machine with fanart from MariusuPaua, excluding Michael. But I kinda gave them different personalities from what we see from the games, and it was fun having to write characters that didn't follow already written stories.

But now I have a new story for that. Also, i'm sorry but I think I have just completely grown out of the whole BATIM fandom. I also really wrote myself into a corner the last couple years with this book, since I just kind of set up a chapter I really didn't even wanna write after all since the idea just didn't seem that fun. I also haven't kept up with the games in years and to save me the time and effort I would have to spend to get the story to be accurate with the game's lore and stories, I just need to call it quits. Time is also a big issue here, I already had a lot on my plate running two stories in the past and adding three just really killed off a lot of fire that I had, since I jumble up ideas for three different stories at once and there was just way too to even focus on. But now that I am back, I realistically only see me doing my other two stories, since I also have to start working irl soon.

But truthfully, I don't know the future of this book. I would love to come back one day and continue the story but for right now and seeing how things are going, I don't see me updating this for awhile. I really had high hopes for this book, but until I somehow can make time to continue this book and find my passion for it again, I will have to cancel it altogether for the foreseeable future. I will forever be grateful for this book and all the fun chapters I wrote, some of the ideas really molded me into the writer I am today. Unlike my other older books, I feel this one has aged very well and some of the writing still holds up nice. I'm happy a good majority of you guys have enjoyed my work for this book, it means a lot to me to know that some of my ideas were fun for you guys to read.

If you want to have a similar read to this, then please go check out my HuniePop or Monster Musume book. They both are being currently updated and follow the very familiar world of "anime-girl-big-tittie-harems", although with their own touch. Monster Musume is really similar as well, as it follows a man and his group of monster girls in his adventurous and wacky world of superheroes and villains. Either way, they kind of all boil down to some dude stuck in a harem that occasionally has really graphic and detailed lemons.

Thank you for your time, and have a nice day.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2023 ⏰

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