Shockingly he let me drive there this time. I guess he was too nervous to drive. "Wait, should we be taking the pups with us, they'll have to stay in the car." Another excuse to turn around. "Your mum let Serafima come inside yesterday. I left them alone briefly when I took your call, when I went back inside Serafima was very much enjoying some pats from your mum." Dimitri was shocked by this information. The drive there was pretty silent, the nerve levels were mega high. "Who was all there yesterday?" He asked when we were mere minutes away. "Just your mum, well, I think it was just her. I didn't see anyone else." And then... we arrived. I swear Dimitri actually stopped breathing momentarily. "You'll be fine. I promise." I leaned over and gave him a quick kiss. Then we got out of the car. Serafima remembered where we were, Alexei was intrigued by the happenings.

We didn't even make it halfway up the path before Olena threw the door open and ran outside. I guess she heard the car, again. She went straight to Dimitri and threw her arms around him. "Oh my darling boy has finally come home." She was balling her eyes out as she hugged him tightly. "I'm so sorry it's been so long." I'm pretty sure he was crying a little bit too. I was just awkwardly standing off to the side while they had their little reunion. When the moment finally passed and she stepped back to look at him, she realised I was there. "Oh, Rose. It's lovely to see you again!" She gave me a brief hug before turning her gaze back to her boy. "Oh look at you. You are looking so well! Please, come in, come sit down." She hurried back inside. Serafima happily followed her in, Alexei waited for us. We all went inside and Olena shut the door, then joined us in the lounge.

We sat with her for ages and talked. No one else was home at the time. They were all at school or work or somewhere else. "Would either of you like a drink of something?" Olena slipped in between conversation. "Oh, I am dying for a coffee, if that's alright?" I spoke first. "Of course dear, I'll go make one now, Dimitri?" She turned to look at him. "Oh yes, I'll have one too, thanks. I'll come help you in a minute." He said with a smile. "Lovely, I'll flick the jug on then I must run upstairs for a minute." And so she did, after she went upstairs Dimitri turned to look at me. "Thank you for pushing me to do this." He smiled at me as he looked lovingly into my eyes. He leaned forward and kissed me and stopped when we heard Olena coming back down the stairs. "Right, I'll be back with the drinks." He said as he stood up and disappeared with Olena. I just sat there and played with the pups.

Dimitri POV

I walked into the kitchen with mum, I figured I should make Rose's coffee since she's having strong ones today. Where I was standing in the kitchen I could just see Rose, she was smiling as she played with the pups. I got caught up in watching her, causing mum to touch my arm to snap me out of it. "It's so nice having you visit again." She smiled at me. "It's good to be back. It would've been sooner but a lot has happened recently. I glanced at Rose again, unintentionally. "She's a lovely person." Mum said as she noticed the direction of my gaze again. I turned to look at her as I answered, only to notice she was holding a ring. "I don't know if you are actually together, but regardless I wanted to give you this. It's been passed down through the family, obviously I never had a use for it. I know you both care deeply about each other, it's extremely noticeable when you look at one another. She makes you happy, and you make her happy." I was right, mum had cottoned on to us. "She does make me very, very happy." I was smiling as I spoke, glancing at Rose again. "I really love her mum."

Rose POV

I could smell the coffee before I seen it, I was damn near drawling when Dimitri handed it to me. "That is a very strong coffee my dear, don't go making a habit of drinking them that way." Olena spoke with a little amusement. "Oh, I ah..." She caught me out and made me nervous. "I just didn't really sleep last night..." I awkwardly laughed. She just smirked at me. "Oh really, you're not sick or anything are you dear?" She had a look of concern and bemusement on her face. "Oh no, nothing like that. Just adjusting to the time change. My body clock is all out of whack." I smiled back, she just nodded with understanding. "Where are the two of you staying while you're here? We've got spare beds. Your room is still there darling." She said as she looked at Dimitri. "Oh, we couldn't impose. We're planning on staying for a little while, we've rented a place nearing the outskirts of Omsk." Dimitri answered for the two of us. I was caught up on the old Dimitri room.

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