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"So what exactly can heal Ash?" Sky asked Misty. "Well... I know it's weird but he's kinda my roommate." Forest furrowed his brows as if confused then seemed to understand and nod his head. Sky looked confused but shook her head not caring, then looked down at Ash, "Then let's hurry up." She walked out from the teepee they were hiding in, making to walk straight into Misty's teepee, but Misty grabbed her arm and pulled her back inside. "Yeah, only the problem is, if I'm seen walking with three strange foreigners, you'll get executed and I'll be married to a different foreigner. So let's not do that, okay?" Sky gave Misty a look like she thought she was crazy. Misty ignored her.

Once Misty led them through the teepees safely, she lifted up Ash to his feet and shoved them all inside a teepee just as the morning round of guards walked by. The teepee had blue and purple seashells dangling off the sides. A little hammock was strung up and shelves hung holding different types of shells, like hermit, clam, snail, all of them labeled and brightly dyed. Dyes hung on the shelves as well, all ranging from bright pinks to dark purples. Underneath, the jars contained miscellaneous colored powders, were jewelry hooks. Some were made from fire-coral, in which caught Ash's gaze, others were pearls and seaweed. But there was one that Sky couldn't look away from, in a clam, was a pearl necklace resting on the inner pink muscle. All of the pearls were golden except the huge center one. It was the size of one of Sky's eyes. 

Even though Misty told them not to touch anything while she looked for her roommate, she couldn't resist lifting the pearl necklace up to her neck. Immediately she had regretted it. Sky was gazing at the necklace when two large eyes popped open on the center pearl. Sky shrieked and threw the necklace down. The others rushed over, Ash gingerly speed walking, to find Sky clutching her hands at her chest. All of the golden pearls had broken and now were everywhere on the floor around Sky. 

Forest asked if she was alright and Ash inspected her hands for wounds. Misty just frantically rummaged through the pearls among the floor. "What happened?" Ash asked more worried than he'd ever admit. "I—I put on a necklace and there was this little..." She trailed off. Misty kept searching for something as she muttered to herself. "A little what?" Forest pressed on. "Well, it looked like a fat ugly white pearl!" Ash sighed exasperated. Forest made a choking snort as if trying not to laugh. "So what your telling me is that you picked up a pearl necklace and got scared of an fat ugly white pearl?" Ash questioned. Forest burst out laughing. "Well... yes—but it was vicious an—and it had evil eyes!" Sky said in her defense. Forest laughed louder. "And I bet it had large sharp fangs too!" Forest exaggerated still laughing. Now Ash smiled suppressing a laugh. 

Sky huffed and crossed her arms. She was about to teach them a lesson when Ash saw something white crawl on Forest's shoulder. "Um, Forest... there's something on your—" Forest smirked, "You can't fool me, there is not some vicious killer pearl on me or behind me." Sky looked and saw a fat white pearl with large blue eyes and bony little arms and legs holding a coral sword the size of a needle. Sky shrieked and Forest looked at his shoulder and shrieked in a higher pitch and then the pearl shrieked. The pearl turned a dark navy blue, let out a barbaric war cry, and stabbed Forest's shoulder. Misty snapped her head up and lunged off the ground, grabbing the pearl off Forest and yanked the sword from its hand. 

"There you are!" The pearl fought to free itself turning bright red. Misty plopped a kiss on it's head and it suddenly stopped and turned a shade of pink. Misty turned to find Sky hiding behind Ash and Forest clutching his shoulder grimacing. With Misty's free hand she inspected the coral sword she had taken away from the pearl. "Tsk, tsk, tsk. What have I said about using weapons, let alone fire coral ones?" The pearl looked like a kid being scolded. "Pew, pew, tew." Misty nodded, "Pewtew, tew, tew, pew, pew!" Misty frowned, "Still gives you no reason." The pearl nodded, "Tew pew pew." Misty looked back at the others. "This is Pewtew, and he wants you to apologize for calling him fat and ugly. He didn't like it." They waited. 

Sky slowly walked out from behind Ash. "Um...sorry?" Misty gradually let go of Pewtew and he wobbled on to a table and crossed his arms. "Pewtew." Misty translated, "He says thank you." Misty then told them how Pewtew is a Sea Aquius and they disinfect and heal wounds with salt water. "Why did he turn pink and blue?" Ash questioned. "Oh, he changes color with his emotions. He won't hurt you so long as you don't harm him." Now Sky had walked over to Pewtew and was tickling him. "Who's a cute pearl? You're a cute pearl! Yes you are!" She ogled. Ash looked unimpressed and almost bored. Forest was clutching his shoulder where the fire coral knife had stabbed him. Misty noticed he wasn't going to stop groaning until she stopped the burning so she asked Pewtew to heal his shoulder and then Ash's torso. 

Sky stopped ogling over Pewtew and let him wobble over to Forest. Pewtew held up his hands expecting to be picked up. Everyone waited for Forest. "What? I'm not picking it up! That thing is what caused my shoulder this awful pain in the first place!" Misty stepped closer to Forest. "You aren't afraid of Pewtew are you? He's not going to hurt you, I promise." Pewtew opened his arms wider and said encouragingly. "Tew pew tew!" Forest edged closer, to the corner Pewtew stood expectantly, glancing at Misty. He closed his eyes and held one hand in front of the table. Pewtew waddled on and Forest gasped, and by reflex flicked his head away. Pewtew expected this and clutched Forest's hand. Misty grabbed Forest's hand and stopped it. 

Forest opened his eyes at Mistys touch. "Sorry," He whispered blushing. Pewtew now has crawled up his arm onto his shoulder. Misty teased Forest by saying things like, "You did it! Your so brave!" Meanwhile everyone else stared at Pewtew as he ripped Forest's green shirt around the stab wound, just enough for his tiny hands to get in. Then Pewtew spit salt water on his hands, after rubbing salty hands he touched the knife mark. Forest grimaced. Pewtew then vomited sand mixed with salt on the wound. Pewtew hobbled off Forest's shoulder and into the table and then looked up to find everyone( except Misty and Forest) staring at Pewtew in disgust. 

Pewtew grumbled and looked to find Misty and Forest's grateful faces, but instead of being grateful they were kissing! Pewtew a eyes widened and Sky's face changed from disgust to romantic awe. Ash's face turned to an even worse disgust then before. Misty and Forest stopped and saw eyeryone looking at them. Pewtew has just grabbed his coral knife and was about to stab Forest again when they had stopped. Pewtew pointed to fingers at his eyes and then to Forest gesturing that he was watching him. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2020 ⏰

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