Ashton and Ruby

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*Okay guys, I'm sorry if this story is really weird, I'm new to this stuff. I usually just read books and edit my sisters nightmares. But I wrote this originally as a prompt for school, then everyone loved it. I think it sucks, honestly. Eventually my sister was taking credit for it and she told me to write it if I wanted credit so... yeah. I really couldn't have made this story with out her. So thank you, Angel. Her Wattpad is: Keithkrogane. Anyways thank you for even trying to read my book. I hope you enjoy. Alright I'll shut up. Ummm.... bye?*

Sometimes people are chosen for what they could become rather then what they are at this moment. This is the case for Ashton Firestone.

 "Ashton!" Ashton immediately stopped discussing his morning affairs and headed to the throne room preparing for another regretted argument. 

"Yes, father?" Ashton asked with a composed face. His father had a huge temper with a short fuse and unfortunately was the king of Grimmstone. 

"Don't, 'yes father' me! You ordered brown curtains instead of black! Must you be so stupid!" Ashton stayed calm used to his father having early glasses of the strongest wine. 

"Father, you specifically wrote brown curtains on my to-do list before 5:00 am." 

The king beat a fist on the side arm of the throne made of charcoal. The chair had various dents from other times he had broken it. " I had meant black! Use your  rain boy! I'd never order brown curtains, what are we peasants? All you do is mess up my life. You  know, they said life as a king would be great. But then your weak mother had you, a stupid nothing that can't think for himself. Stop acting like hotheaded fool and start making yourself useful!" 

Ashton's hair flickered faster and his eyes burned an even brighter red. Ashton hated it when his father talked ill about his mother and being called hotheaded. " I am useful father! I am more useful then you ever were! You may be king but I have done everything for you. You have done nothing. And calling Mother weak is a low blow because she died saving you so I think you're the weak one. I've been you puppet long enough and ignored your drunk rants for the last time. So you can go find someone else to be you puppet because I AM NOT YOUR PUPPET! Ashton shot a blast of fire towards his father unconsciously and ran as fast as he could to wherever he could. 

"Ashton! Ashton! Don't walk away from you King!" His fathers yells echoed in the castle as Ashton left heading for a nearby cave he saw.  

Ashton plopped himself down on a boulder. He was fuming, steam emitting from his shoulders. "Why must father be such a boulder head!" Yelled Ashton. "Boulder head, head, ead, d" echoed the caves. 

Something shined in the corner of Ashton's vision. Looking closer he realized it was a ruby. Must be one of the mines my father owns. Thought Ashton slipping it into the pocket of his tunic. A shrill shriek that sounded like a hawk rang out behind Ashton. He spun around to find a young looking Phoenix glaring at him. Ashton had never encountered another living thing besides his race because he lived around a volcano. But he had read about phoenixes in mythological books . "Hey, easy, I didn't mean to intrude," Ashton put his out defensively. The Phoenix studied him cocking her head side to side. Obviously she had never seen anything like him before either. 

Slowly the Phoenix warmed up to Ashton and trotted over, sniffing his body stopping at his pockets. "Hey whoa!" He gasped startled. The Phoenix nuzzled his pocket, exiting, crunching on the ruby Ashton had found earlier. "Oh you like rubies?" Ashton laughed as she nuzzles his face. "I think I'll call you Ruby." Ashton said slowly mounting Ruby. 

He had never done anything like this but as he told his father, he wasn't his fathers puppet. Ruby suddenly burst out the cave, Ashton screamed and laughed. She took him higher and higher into the sky. Ruby's red wings dazzled in the sunlight. "Wahoo!"shouted Ashton. She weaved in and out of the clouds. Ashton looked out to see the gorgeous view. He could see more than black and red. He saw actual colors! 

Hours passed and Ashton finally said, "Alright girl, lets head home." Ruby slowed and let Ashton lead them home. Ashton unmounted Ruby and left her in the nearest mine. He snuck in an stopped before the throne room. Now how was he going to get to his room unnoticed? His father  was talking to the army general Char.

 "But sir are you sure it will actually work?" Char asked the king. "Actually, it will work perfectly, in one of the caves my men found the prophecy and you saw my son today. He is what I will be looking for. I just need to find water, earth, and sky and I can fulfill my plan." Char grinned. "And stealing their powers is a sure way to rule the world?" The king glared at him. "Yes! You ought to stop questioning me! But yes I will rule the world." Char knelt low to the throne. "But your majesty, didn't the prophecy also say that that would destroy the world?" The king stood up angrily, "You really think I care! Dismissed!" Char scrambled out of the room. 

Ashton got a sick feeling, he suddenly got dizzy. He leaned on the hallway column. This was bad really bad, he knew his father was ambitious but destroying the world? Really? Footsteps approached and Ashton looked for a way out. He had to leave, forever. Ashton ran out of the palace and got Ruby from the mines. He mounted her and before flying away forever he turned and whispered his goodbyes to the only home he had ever known. And he left. He knew what he had to do.

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