What a Strange Magic

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Now Dreemia has gotten many visitors from all over, but Sky was always shy about showing others her special skills. Most Dreemia inhabitants had an almost super-speed quality to them, not only did Sky have that but she also had a peculiar skill that no one else had. So at this moment when she saw Ash, the cute boy, leaving she used her rarely conjured powers and blew him all the way back in front of her, leaving Ruby a few feet ahead. Ash's feet dragged on the forest's floor. 

"Wh—whoa!" Ash yelled, he looked at Sky who was blushing furiously. She finally composed herself saying, "Just tell me why your running away, please!" Sky begged with her huge gold flecked blue eyes. Ash sighed and nodded. "It's this guy—he's going to destroy the planet and I heard of away to stop him. But if I do, well I'm never allowed back to my home Grimstone." Ash looked down. Sky felt empathy for him.

"So what's this way to stop him?" Sky said finally. Ash's face brightened a little and he half smiled. "Well, there are a chosen few each with these abilities—the energy of the elements,fire, water, earth, and—" Sky's eyes widened. "Wind!" Ash nodded. "Come over here." Ash instructed Sky. Suspiciously, Sky walked deeper into the part in the trees, near a boulder higher that thunder. "Sit up there and don't come down until I say." Sky's forehead creased. "Why?" Asked Sky, curious. 

"I wanna show you something." Ash explained vaguely. Sky steadily climbed up to the top of the boulder and Thunder, as if told by Ruby, backed away as far as possible led by Ruby. Ash cracked his knuckles and limbered them as if going to play a piano. Ash exhaled deeply and begun.

 He looked up and stretched his arms out. Slowly, thin tendrils of fire slithered through the air all around Ash. He closed his eyes and moved his arms gracefully around, spreading his feet. The fire danced and barely touched the ground igniting the tip of one tiny flower. That flower slowly turned to ash and floated up into the air, leading the dancing fire strands. Together they turned from the brightest red to the coolest violets, turquoises, teals, and smaragdine then back to a saffron. Sky laughed the colors filling her vision. She had seen nothing like this before. 

Finally they all swirled and sent sparks off dissipating into nothing. Then out of the dark the most colorful fireworks exploded in the distance. Allowing enough light to see Ash sweating, had closed his hands and looked as if he was holding his breath.

At last Ash breathed in deeply and the sparks, the fireworks had made, sank into the ground leaving only four, a teal, a plum colored one, a bright green, and a crimson. They swirled and exploded, sinking, being absorbed into the earth, leaving as quickly as they came. Ash opened his eyes and put his arms down, breathing heavily. He waited. Sky was awed. 

She scrambled down the rock and was suddenly overwhelmed with the urge to hug Ash. "Your fire,—and I'm wind!" Was all she could manage to say. Ash nodded, "And I'm going to find earth and water, no matter what." He panted. Sky had so many questions but she only spoke, "That was beautiful, really. Where did you learn how to do that?" Ash's ebony skin slightly got red, blushing. "My father thought it was best if I learned to control my abilities. My mother helped me perfect it. I've been practicing since I got the ability." 

Sky raised her eyebrows, "Wow, your mother must have been a saint to help you." Ash shrugged clearly Sky had hit a sensitive nerve. "Well you're going to need some help saving the world," Ash shook his head, "No way, I do not need help from a bird girl I don't even know." Sky stepped closer to him annoyed that he was excluding her. "Okay, wise guy, you need fire—you, earth, water, and wind—ME. So get this straight, I'm coming with you of the planet will DIE." And for emphasis Sky crossed her arms.

Ash looked up and sighed. "Fine, fine. Okay. You can come with me," Sky smiled. "But you're not, I repeat, not going to get in my way. This isn't a game, Sky." Sky's smile faded and turned more serious. She nodded determined. "Let's go save the world."

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