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It has been weeks, Malay still got nightmares. The first day was about everyone hating him, beating him up and the second day was about his parents leaving him behind telling Malay that he is a mistake, the third was about Malay trapped inside a room where water was filling and the girls attacked him and there were so much more. He didn't like it, he somehow shivers every time he saw the girls and Indo especially.

Most of his nightmares were about Indo. Indo started feeling very concern about Malay. Every time in school or after class, he would hug Malay while walking with him.

"Malay is okay. Is just a dream", Indo smiled patting Malay's head." I'm going out first for awhile alright?" Indo said before leaving his room.

"Maybe going for fresh air would be great ", Malay thought as he went out. He saw Thailand was back from somewhere. "Oh, Malay! Are you going for a walk?" Thai asked, Malay just nodded and walked to a place where full of hibiscus flowers were. The flowers reminded him of his loving mother who looked so beautiful as the flowers while the light green grass reminded him of his strong dad protecting them lifting them up. He still remembered the time when he was just a kid, he would spend his time with his parents here at the exact position Malay was sitting.

"Why did you go, ibu...ayah...", Malay sobbed trying to hold back his tears but somehow he burst into tears after he looked at all the hibiscus again, it reminded him of his loving parents, but he knew crying would never make them come back. He wished he could go back and said a proper goodbye but it was impossible.

He cried and cried, letting tears roll down his cheeks, forgetting his surroundings until someone grabbed his shoulder. "Malay, are you okay?" It was Indo. He had a concerned facial expression. Malay just hugged Indo tightly not wanting to let go...he was too scared, too scared to move on.

"Is alright Malay, you have me...first time being a Neko will make u have lots of bad dreams" "But what if he left Malay again, like how his parents left him without telling" "What if the nightmares actually telling him Indo will hurt and abandon him?" Malay's head was full of questions.

His body started shivering as he let go of Indo, "Please...d.do.. don't hurt me..." Malay pleaded. "Please don't come closer", Malay then shivered when Indo took a step closer to him. " Malay this isn't you! The nightmares had driven you crazy!" Indo suddenly hugged Malay tightly while Malay was struggling to escape.

"I'm not letting you go till you are alright", Indo sobbed, a drop of tears ran down on his cheeks. Malay then gave up escaping letting Indo do whatever he wants.

" Why not you sleep with me?" Indo asked as he carried Malay. Malay just nodded and tilted his head down. "Please don't be like this", Indo gently grab Malay's chin up facing him.

"No one is going to hurt you", Indo smiled kissing his forehead, hoping it helps to calm him down and it did. After they had their dinner, Indo gave Malay his plushie which looked like a dinosaur but cuter. " Just hold it when you sleep", Indo then put a blanket over themselves and cuddled Malay. "Good night", Indi whispered into Malay's cat ears, Malay soon later fell asleep hoping there won't be any more nightmares, but it didn't work.

He was on the floor, a rusty wet floor. His hands were tied together, he can't see any but a little bit of light, he was probably blindfolded. He then heard a voice, a familiar one but he couldn't guess who was it. "Well, well look who is tied up? A kitty~ the voice chuckled, it sounds so deep yet so scary.

He was unblindfolded already and look who he just saw, the greatest fear of all in his life, Japan Empire. He was grinning, showing his terrifying sharp teeth that could rip his throat off anytime. " Don't be scared, kitty~ You have no one to help you", the laughed evilly. Malay's body was shivering, shaking non-stop. He can't even make a sound. Tears begin falling down his cheeks.

"Don't cry, kitty. A little stab won't hurt very much", the Japanese man said as he walks to the table nearby them. He grabbed the sharpest knife, he was observing it while smirking. He came back with it, Malay started to shiver more, cried...he wanted to call out for help but it was no use. Japan stabbed right into his stomach, Malay screamed out making the man satisfied. " Please,....it hurts", Malay coughed out, he saw blood dripping out from his stomach. "Now if I'm not mistaken, if I stab right at your left chest, you will probably die", Japan asked giving an evil smile, Malay didn't respond.

"Let's check then", the Japanese man then stabbed right into his chest causing him to vomit blood out, panting for air. He can't breathe properly due to Japan also stabbed his lungs. Malay then blurred out, and finally, it was all a dream again.

His heart was beating fast, he was sweating. He hugged the plushie tightly as turned around facing Indo who was still asleep. Malay then looked at the clock, it says 4.30 a.m. "Guess is Monday..", Malay sighed. He crawled out from Indo's bed carefully not wanting to wake him up.

He went for a shower and prepare himself for school. Mr Asean was still asleep so he made himself a cup of Milo and a bread. It was 6.00 in the morning, he heard someone coming out from a room. He quickly ran out of the house.

As he was walking to school, he saw the girls again. He tried ignoring them and quickly went into the school building to his classroom. Palestine was scrolling through his phone so Mal was glad that he wasn't alone. Malay sat down on his seat and started chatting with Pal until they saw Indo who was talking to Philip on his way to his seat, is 6.50 a.m as he looked at his watch.

Mal then noticed Indo looked at him and he immediately face to the other way. " Um, Malay why is Indo glaring at you?" asked Palestine nervously. "Oh no", Malay thought he knew he is gonna be in trouble when he suddenly someone grabbed his tail making him yelp.

" Oh hey, Malay...didn't know you went to school so early", Indo chuckled giving him a fake smile while grabbing his most sensitive part firmly, the tail. "I..Indo I'm sorry for that but I'm begging you to stop pulling my tail..." Malay stuttered covering his embarrassed face. "Alright~", Indo smirked as he kissed Malay's cat ears and when back to his seat.

Palestine just sat there awkwardly not wanting to talk about it. Their class teacher came and the class started as usual after class Malay was at the locker again, he heard those girls approaching him again when he locked his locker.

Suddenly, Indo picked Malay up and ran to the hallway smoothly leaving the girls confused. Indo carried Malay in a bridal style until they were far away from the girls. Indo dropped Malay off and smirked. " No need to mention it", Indo then kissed Malay's neck which hit his sensitive spot causing him to shiver and blush.

When they were at the cafeteria, Indo sat with Malay, out of the blue Indo fed Malay a spoonful of nasi lemak. They didn't notice some students were watching them and recording. "O...ok Indo I'm done eating!" Malay stuttered. Indo had finished his Indomie when Malay was minding his own business earlier. "Hey there, lovebirds" someone from behind called them. There were two senior students behind them, one of them looked almost like Malay but with sunglasses and 50 white stars, USA and his partner was probably USSR's son, Russia. "What lov- oh", Malay facepalmed himself blushing hard. " Didn't know you actually liked your ex enemy, eh?" Russia chuckled. "See you two around lovebirds!" America called out as he and Russia walked away together.

"Let's head to our classroom, shall we?" Indo smiled making Malay nodded as a response only.

End of this chapter X3
Tysm for 50 followers tho! It was so quick! Sorry if I can't add art here due to motivation and art block XP

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