Just a Nightmare

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Warning :
A bit of gore
A bit of violence act

"Please! Go away! I didn't do anything!" Malay screamed running away. "Why should I?" The bully smirked, her size suddenly grew bigger than ever. Malay was too scared, he was running out of oxygen and energy. But then he got caught by her grabbing him.

"Drowning you would be so much fun!" The girl laughed evilly before dropping him into the water and fade away. Malay struggled to swim but there was someone grabbing his legs and his neck. He then saw her again. "You're worthless, Malay!" "You always the one causing the trouble!" "Nobody likes you, they are just pity of you!" "This is why your parents died! Is all because of you, they had enough!" Malay then shouted and cried, "T...That's not true!" "My parents died because of an accident!" "I was never born a mistake!" The girl then smirked, "Then why did Britain left you behind?" Malay denied, he knew the reason why Britain left, it isn't his fault.

"Answer me, pussy!" The girl began choking him in the water. Malay can't move a muscle, he was paralysis, he then started crying for help and he heard voices in his head... "Mallie? Mallie! Wake up!"

Malay then opened his eyes again, it was Indo. "You okay there, wanna tell me what happened?" Malay nodded and told everything, tears beginning to form in his eyes when he was explaining it. "Hey, hey...Mallie is just a dream", Indo comforted him. Malay hugged Indo tightly not letting him go, Indo just hugged back, rubbing his back gently. He then laid Malay down the bed gently together with him himself.

Indo cuddles him letting him rest in his chest. He then pulls a blanket over them. "I'm sorry, Indo...for being so mean to you, making you feel miserable", Malay sobbed. Indo just smiled and patted his head. "Is ok", he sighed.

They both then drifted to sleep since it is still 2.30 am. Soon sunrise came, Indo woke up first and went to take a shower and prepare himself for the day. It was Saturday, so he left Malay sleeping in his bed.

"G' morning, Indo!" Philip smiled. "Morning, Philip", Indo replied back while wiping his wet hair with a small towel. "So how was your time cuddling with your secret crush?" Philip smirked. "Wait, who told you- JAPAN" Indo yelp. "Hey, hey is okay bro! I'm just grateful that you finally feel love", Philip giggled. Indo then saw some of his friends, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia were smirking and giggling when they saw him.

Indo then went into his own room to check on Malay. He was awake, he got a little bigger. "Morning, Mallie", Indo smiled as he picked up Malay and placed him on his lap facing him. " M..Morning, Indo", Malay stuttered while blushing. Indo then kissed Malay forehead as if is a good morning kiss.

"Wha..what was that for?" Malay blushed. "Just a good morning kiss for my favourite kitty", Indo giggled as he hugged him. Indo then pin Malay down on his bed teasing him by tickling him. Malay just laugh and tried stopping him from doing it.

They then accidentally kissed each other and pulled away, but slowly Indo gave Malay a passionate kiss while Malay was blushing mess and slowly kissing him back. As they broke the kiss, Malay was blushing so hard that the white stripes on his flag were hard to be seen and on the other hand, Indo was just looking at his facial expression.
Malay somehow didn't attack him or got angry instead, he just hugged him as a response.

A few minutes later,
"Come on, Mallie, you wanna drink your Milo?" Indo smiled walking down the stairs to the kitchen with Malay. "Well, as long as there is nothing weird in my drink", Malay yawned. Both of them laugh off.

"Here's your Milo, Mal", Indo gave him his drink before he started drinking his own one. A few minutes later, Malay went to his room minding his own business while Indo was scrolling through his phone and something caught his attention. It was a picture of Malay sleeping on his bed when he was still in a cat form.

As he was scrolling through his gallery full of pictures of Malay, a message popped up! It was from the group where all the ASEAN countries can chat freely from Mr Asean. As he taps the icon button, he was shocked by what he just saw! It was a picture of him cuddling Malay in his bed, it was sent by Philip!

"When did you took it?" Indo stuttered at Philip, he just received a smirk as an answer. "I took it when dinner was ready yesterday", Philip burst into a laugh, Indo then tried grabbing his phone but because Philip was taller than him, he gave up.

"Aww, is ok Indo! I mean Malay kissed you back earlier in your room~", Philip smirked more giving him a lenny face. " Wait- when did you-" Indo stutter again and sigh. He released too many feelings today. There was a mix of feelings of relieved and regret. Philip just rubbed Indo's back, comforting him.

An hour later, Indo was scrolling through his messages when he came to a person...a person that he used to love but abused him. "Nether, eh?" Indo growled. He kept looking at all the messages that he and his ex used to talk about.

He did miss him but also hate him a little for abusing him every day. He once caught him cheating with another male country and he ran away.

"It hurts...but is over for now", Indo sighed. Indo then went to Malay's room and found him asleep while his phone was on the ground. Indo picked up Malay and laid him on his bed. After he covered Malay with his blanket, he turned the lights off and closed the door gently.

As Indo was on his way to the living room, a Neko boy stopped him, Japan. " What do you want, Japan?" "I'm here to tell you good news, Indo!" Japan smiled. He told Indo that Malay will be in his normal form within 3 months but the cat ears and tails will still remain due to Malay's family DNA heritage. "Malay's cat feature will only pop out when he is embarrassed, crying or excited.

"That's cute", Indo whispered. "Pardon?" Japan rose an eyebrow smiling at him. "N..nothing! I said it was interesting!" Indo stuttered out. Japan just smirked and walked away. "Phew, that was close", Indo sighed.

Malay was still in his sleep. It came again... The nightmare but this time it was about Indo instead of the nasty monster girl. "Please don't abandon me! I promise I'll be good!" He pleaded Indo. But he just ignored his pleading words and harshly chained him up in a dark room. "I hope this will teach you a lesson!" Indo pulled out a sharp knife and immediately stab into Maly's thigh. Malay screamed in pain, begging him to stop but Indo just stabbed in deeper and deeper causing the blood to bleed out rapidly. Indo just gave Malay an evil grin which made Malay got more scared of him. "I..Indo please stop! It hurts!" Malay cried out. "You deserved it, brat! Everyone hates you! Nobody on this galaxy liked you! I'm just using you to release my pain!" Indo growled, choking Malay to shut him up. The blood was dripping, from his thigh to the ground, his legs were shaking. Malay then got blackout again hearing voices.

"Mallie! Mallie! Wake up, is just a dream!" Malay then opened his puffy reddish eyes due to crying a lot in his sleep. "I'm here, Malay....is ok", Indo hugged him, letting him rest on his shoulders. Indo then felt like Malay got a little bigger again but not yet his normal size. "Indo is here, is alright Mallie", Indo comforted him.

Ayeee tysm for reading x3 and tysm for 40 followers! And everything 💞💕💕💞❤💞🧡💕

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