As I was about to speak up again, I was cut off by the small jingle of a bell and food being brought out again. One there was a plate in front of us all, momma sat at the head of the table, as we all prayed and thanked the heavens above for another day.

Yet, I couldn't seem to focus on praying, as a handful of lingering questions and thoughts once again invaded my head.

I sighed in exhaustion. Answer each question in under 10 seconds?! They've got to be kidding me. That's way too short.

I rubbed my temples in frustration as I stepped onto the grass. I opened my eyes to meet Yuki's gaze. His green eyes seemed to be shielded, an ominous grin seemingly placed on his lips. As quickly as I had noticed it though, it disappeared. In a flash, his eyes seemed to light up before running off to play with all of the other children.

Weird... but okay? Was I imagining things?

I groaned, shaking my head violently to get rid of the thoughts. Why was I thinking so much?! Stop it, (Y/N)!

Emma grinned as she ran past me, "(Y/N)!!! Come join us in a game of tag!!"

I hesitated. Maybe tag would help clear my mind. I smiled softly before running over, "I'd love to!"

They decided Norman, the supposed mastermind, would be 'it'. A tan boy named Don seemed confident that he could outsmart the pale boy. I giggled, sensing that these children all had playful rivalry between each other some how.

Time started ticking as I ran off. I didn't break off into a sprint since I didn't want to use up all my energy. Soon, I had gotten a considerable amount away from the starting point. That was, of course, great for me! I didn't know any of their play styles but I would soon find out.

As my boot stepped down on a fallen leaf, I heard the excruciating crunch of it directly in my left ear. I yelped as I gripped it tightly, feeling as if it being turned inside out. I leaned against a tree for support, beads of sweat rolling down my temple. I began hunching over a bit, a sickening feeling filling the pit of my stomach.

As my distorted perception scanned the trees, I began to realize they all looked the exact same to me. Which direction did I come from again? I grunted, standing up straight, hand still on ear, as I strolled in a random direction.

Just great, this hurts like hell and here I am, lost in these woods.

Before me, I soon saw a low iron fence, blocking off another part of the forest. By now, the pain had slowly eased away, my curiosity more focused on the the fence before me than the pain. I placed a fingertip on it, feeling the cool material against my body warmth. It was strangely soothing. I narrowed my eyes at it, feeling the sudden urge to cross it and see what was beyond.


I turned to look at the blue eyed boy, his stare wavering between the fence and I.

"Norman... why is this fence here?"

Norman held his hands behind his back, walking up right next to me as he started out onto the space before us, " I'm not sure. I just know momma said to never cross it, that we're not allow to cross for our own sake. It's dangerous."

I let out a small hum in acknowledgement before my gaze sharpened, my eyes darting over to him, "Then why is it so short?"

Normans ocean blue eyes shrunk in size as a small feeling of surprise filled his form, his mouth agape for a quick second. He clearly wasnt expecting this comeback. The stare you were giving him also wasn't expected. How could your soft features portray such a venomous like stare.

He quickly grinned softly, his eyes returning to their usual soft form, "Ah."

He turned away from me as he shrugged, "I have no idea."

I sighed softly. I decided to let my gaze scan the scenery beyond the fence once again.

"Let's head back, the game has already ended by now. I'm sure you were lost since it is your first time in this small forest."

I grinned sheepishly, "you got me there."

I quickly walked over, meeting his pace, "you know, you've surprised me quite a couple of times today..."

I blinked, my (e/c) eyes shining in curiosity, "how so?"

He studied my expression for a quick second before grinning, "You seem to be quite forgetful. I'm sure you came from an orphanage similar to ours, seeing how Yuki was accustomed to a lot of our routines here.... Yet, you, seemed to be so foreign to it."

I looked down at the ground, observing how my brown boots crunched on every leaf, how it squished into the dirt below me so perfectly, " But, your remarks earlier also showed me you're quite the observant one, sharp even. Especially the one from a moment ago, of the fence. I myself didn't realize that at all, albeit, Ive never really visited the fence much."

I brushed a strand of my hair behind my ear, "I wouldn't call that observant. I would say it's more of a logical statement. If a fence were to be put in place to keep people out, it'd definitely be taller. It's like they're suggesting we go past it-"

He smiled, "but we can't."

I hesitated a tiny bit before nodding slightly. We finally reached the opening which revealed the grass field to us.

Some of the little kids gathered around me, stars in their eyes, excited grins plastered on their chubby faces.

"Did you actually beat Norman?"

"Wow! That's so cool!"

I sweat dropped, an embarrassed smile making its way on to my face. I couldn't just simply tell them I got lost. That would take out all the fun from it.

I giggled with a slight nod, "I guess you could say that!"

The boy named Don jumped up, pointing an accusatory finger at Norman, "I demand a rematch!"

Norman sweatdropped before smiling, " sure, sure..

I laughed at the scene, hearing a distant cry of, "H-hey! Are you mocking me?!"

I turned my gaze towards a single tree in the middle of the field, meeting eye to eye with the raven haired boy. I shivered slightly at the intimidating stare, looking away quickly, only to be met with kind purple eyes.

I looked up at the older figure, her chocolate hair wrapped in its usual bun. She reached out towards me, gently cupping my face with both of her soft and slender hands, a smile adorning her lips, "I'm glad you're enjoying yourself, dear (Y/N). I was a bit worried but you got through it, it seems. I'm glad I have two more adorable children to Foster now."

I surprisingly didn't flinch away as her right fingers softly pinched my left ear, "I'm really glad actually"

I smiled a bit as words automatically left my mouth, as if they were programmed, " Everyone is really nice here! I'm happy that I can live with all of you now!"

She gave my ear a final pinch before straightening her posture, " Is that so, little (Y/N)? I'll be excited to see you mature then."

My smiled slightly twitched at the way she said mature. It was laced with a hidden emotion or meaning, I just couldn't figure out which one.

That emotion, which one is it? It's, wait, it's-

Before I could place my finger on it, she turned away from me with a closed eyed smile, "May you help me wash the dishes later after dinner?"

"Of course, Momma!"

"Thank you..."

As she left my sight, my eyes slightly wavered. I touched my left ear and let my gaze drop towards the ground. Why did that seem so... artificial in a way? Fake even?


"Ah, c-coming...!"

As I ran off in that certain direction, all seemed to be forgotten.

Unedited Version

A/N: Sorry about getting this in late! School is a bit troublesome(along with my procrastination but we don't talk about that)! Sorry about any mistakes in the second half, I wrote it at like 3 am but I did skim over it to make sure it was readable. I hope you enjoyed it! :DD

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