Wales: There it is again the voice...

John: I keep telling you its my sleep paralysis demon

Hornet: Enough anyways my name is Hornet an aircraft carrier

Defender: Wait is your sister Yorktown and Enterprise?

Hornet: Yeah how did you know

Defender: I heard that 6 Japanese planes actually tried to land on the Yorktown and they were sprayed with AA Guns

Hornet: Thats true but it isnt what you boys so call "Japanese People" it was the Sakura Empire i believe it was cause it was so foggy that the Sakura Planes were confused on where their carrier was...

(AN: Yes this was actually true search for Yorktown CV-5 and read the entire service life of yorktown in wikipedia this is what it says:

Near twilight, three Japanese planes incredibly mistook Yorktown for their own carrier and attempted to land. The ship's gunfire, though, drove them off, and the enemy planes crossed Yorktown's bow and turned away out of range. Twenty minutes later, when three more enemy pilots made the mistake of trying to get into Yorktown's landing circle, the carrier's gunners splashed one of the trio. Source is from wikipedia)

John: So who are those 2 girls there

(Points to Javelin and Laffey)

Cleveland: Thats Laffey and Javelin

John: Ok? How about those 4 over there

(Points to Columbia, Denver, Montplier, And Birmingham)

Cleveland: Those are my sisters the Girl with Binoculars is Columbia next to her is Denver then next to Denver is Montplier and the last is Birmingham

Jose: Whos that girl in the aircraft carrier drinking tea?

Wales: Thats formidable Illustrious' sister

Defender: Illustrious' sister?

George V: Yes she is the 2nd ship of the Illustrious Class aircraft carrier anyways... oh wait i forgot you never mentioned your ship class

John: Well i am a Gerald R. Ford Class Carrier CVN-79 not the lead ship obviously

Duncan: Well me and my brother are Type 45. Destroyers i am D37 while he is D36

Jose: I am the lead ship of the Jose Rizal Class Frigate FF-150

Wales: Ehh but you have some form of aerial armament a plane basically at the back and its almost huge as a cruiser

Duncan: Those are what we call helicopters basically the rotary parts of your typical plane isnt at the front but rather at the top and at the back powered by engines

Jose: Basically This...

(He shows a picture and this is what it look like:

(He shows a picture and this is what it look like:

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Hornet: Thats what it looks like?

Jose: No there are other types of planes actually alot that author will not mention

Author: Shut the fuck up

Wales: The rotary blades looks larger and they are a bit far on each other

John: Thats cause it spins faster and it could potentially collide cause of how fast it spins

(Out of a sudden Duncan's stomach grumbled)

Duncan: Man all that fighting made me get an appetite

Cleveland: Look we are almost there...

(They all saw the island which is the Azur lane base)

3rd POV (Azur lane base 12:30AM)

(We could see Gerald waiting at the harbor since he knows that his friends are here)

Gerald: Where the bloody hell are they

Author: Dunno

Gerald: Shut the fuck up you arent part of this reunion

Author: Okay :(

(While Gerald said that he sees alot of ships and ships that his mainly familiarise at)

Gerald: YES they are almost here wait what the NO NO NO dont end the cha-

Chapter 11 End


Author: Why

Gerald: You had to ruin the perfect chance anyways where were you

Author: Being a lazy nutsack

Gerald: And here i thought you died

Author: If you miss me then marry me

Gerald: Ew no gay...

Author: Kidding lemao

The Lost Carrier (USS Gerald Ford X Azur Lane) (Dropped)Where stories live. Discover now