C10. A young man

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As they finally were about to start the carriage, a big bang exploded suddenly. Hei Gan said outside the carriage, "sir, his lady's carriage is broken."

Hei Xuan didn't say anything.

Hei Gan started their carriage and drove to the Hei's mansion.

Wu Ruo said with coldness in his eyes, "Hei Xuanyi, can you spare two corpse servants to me?"

In last life, as soon as Hei Xuanyi arranged four corpse servants for him, he yelled at them because he didn't like them. And Hei Gan was so outraged that he took the corpse servants away.

Corpse servants were made of people who just died. They were usually called the living dead. Corpse servants were usually loyal to the person who manipulated them. There were three levels of them, low, medium and high. Low level of corpse servants only had one spirit and one soul. Therefore, they talked and moved slowly and followed strictly the orders. They were not able to do anything complicated. They were usually given help with the consent of their master. Medium level of corpse servants had entire three souls and seven spirits. They looked basically normal except that their faces were pale and bloodless. High level of corpse servants looked the same as the medium level. But they were more arrogant because they were more capable. They only took orders from their master.

Hei Xuanyi narrowed his eyes.

How did he know he had corpse servants?

Wu Ruo's hair stood as he stared him hard. Suddenly he remembered that he knew about the corpse servants not until six months after he married him. Right now, he shouldn't know it, even though he saw some servants who moved slowly in the house.

Hei Xuanyi looked away and continued to poke his belly with his fingertips, meaning that he had agreed.

Wu Ruo was relieved because he knew Hei Xuanyi wouldn't ask why he know about the corpse servants.

Then the carriage stopped.

"Master, here we are." Said Hei Gan.

Wu Ruo struggled to get out of the carriage with the help of corpse servants.

"My lady, a young man wants to meet you and he has been waiting for you for a while." Hei Xin, the butler said.

"A young man?" Wu Ruo tried to guess whom but not a single name came up. In last life, no one had been waiting for him. In fact, he passed out on the same day and he had no idea if anyone wanted to meet him.

Wu Ruo walked in the hall and saw a young man sitting on the chair.

The young man was ordinary-looking and stood up when he saw Wu Ruo, "Wu Ruo?"

"Yes. You are...?" Wu Ruo was sure that he had never seen this man before.

"Your grandfather asked me to send you wedding gifts."

"My grandfather?"

Wu Ruo frowned because his mother once told him that she was expelled from her family by his grandfather because she married someone he didn't like. And his mother was forbade to go back to her original family.

After his grandfather gave his mother carriages of dowry, he had never talked to her again. Therefore, he had never seen his grandfather or known who he was. But he knew that his mother wrote letters to her original family every month but never got a letter back.

"Yes." The young man scanned Wu Ruo up and down and then Hei Xuanyi behind him. He took off the red bag from his back and gave it to Wu Ruo, "on behalf of your grandfather, I wish you and your husband a happy marriage and a long life together."

Wu Ruo hesitated for a moment before he took it over, "thank you."

"If you will excuse me." The young man left right away.

Wu Ruo stopped him immediately, "it's getting late. Why don't you stay tonight?"

The young man left anyway without giving him any response.

"What an odd man!"

Wu Ruo opened the bag and saw a red box. At the sight of the word "Sacrifice" on the box he was familiar with, he almost dropped the box. Click the external link to read next chapter :D

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