Chapter 15: A Not So Peaceful New Year

Start from the beginning

The room stills again until Nendou says "Oh there! I see it!" Everyone except for the Hiro family becomes excited over it. 

'Good save, Nendou.' Saiki thinks to himself. 

 "So, what's the psychic thing you mentioned?"

'Get out.'

The rest of the group's time turned into more obligatory conversations until it was time for them to go. 

The Hiro family stayed a bit longer.  As the parents were conversing, Emiko took Kusuo aside. He didn't know how to get out of this situation so he went along with it feeling a bit nervous.

"Is the Psychic thing true?"  Emiko asked Kusuo. 

Saiki didn't respond.  

"We're best friends.  You can tell me." She said softly. 

'Aren't you hiding something as well?' Saiki said attempting to redirect her question.

"I'll answer that as soon as you answer my question." 

'The truth?' 

"The truth."  Emiko said resolutely.  

Both were really quiet until Kusuo finally said

'Yes. I am.' 

"You're good at hiding it."

'Years of practice.  And you have powers, don't you?'

"Yes.  What made you first suspect it?"

'Stories for another time.'  Saiki said not really wanting to shock her right away that he had been privy to a lot of her thoughts.  'What are your powers?' 

"Hmph.  Stories for another time."  She mocked him.  

He smirked.  'Fine.  One of the few things that made me suspect that you had powers was when you were sick.  Light would flash whenever you sneezed.' 

"Geez.  I was careless." Emiko laughed.  They were quiet again taking in all the information.  

"So you can read minds."




"That time, we went to Kohi to Kashi, did you know that I didn't want to go?"


"You heard my inner struggle." 

'Yes.' He answered not knowing where this was going. 

"And yet you still decided to go?"



'Two things.  I thought it might reveal something about your power and hm, seeing you struggle was fun.' 

Emiko laughed.  "You are mean."

'Maybe just to you.' He joked.

Emiko bit her lip. "This is not how I imagined telling anyone of my power.  It's rather anticlimactic."

'I didn't know my mother would blurt it out either.' 

The two powerful beings were quiet for a moment.  

"You'd think people revealing their powers to one another would be an earth shattering moment."

'Would you prefer it to be chaotic?'

Who is Hiro Emiko?  Saiki Kusuo x OCWhere stories live. Discover now