Chapter 8

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As Shaun, Kali, the twins, and Hailey came back onto the farm grounds, they glanced over noticing the Farmer had just opened up his alien theme park as people were starting to arrive. But were left in immediate disappointment from the very poor tacky setup.  

When they came into the barn, they found the flock there waiting for them. 

"Shaun! Guys! You're back!" The flock beamed, happy to see their friends. 

"Hey, guys" Kali smiled to the flock, before shutting the barn door. "We need some help"

Shaun then showed his flock the egg sphere and explained to them the situation of Lu-La. The flock nodded in understanding, agreeing to help. 

"We need a way to contact her family" Hailey explained. 

"And I've got a plan" Shaun said before everyone gathered together in a group huddle. 

The gang soon layed out a blueprint of the "Farmageddon" theme park tower, thinking Shaun could climb it and be able to contact Lu-La's planet. 

"Do you think it'll work?" Ann asked, unsure. 

"Of course it'll work" Brock replied. "It's so simple" 

Kali and Shaun soon nodded to each other as everyone was onboard with the plan. "Alright then" The adventure girl said. 

The gang headed out ready to put their plan into action. They were able to sneak past the Farmer undetected and up onto the stage which was right next to the tower. They found a milk barrel connected to some rope that went all the way to the top of the tower. 

"This is perfect!" Brock beamed, looking up towards the top of the tower which was pretty high up. 

Shaun and Kali climbed into the barrel together as they would be heading up to send out the transmission. 

"Okay, we're ready" Kali said. 

The flock gave Shaun and Kali a thumbs up as they were about to send them up. That is until everyone heard two familiar figures clear their throats and gasped seeing Jacob and Bitzer had arrived with Lu-La. 

"Uh-oh..." Brock and Ann both gulped. 

The two mature entities approached Shaun and Kali. 

Kali tried to reason with them. "Now, Jacob, Bitzer I know what you're going to say. But this the only way to get Lu-La back home. Do you really want to blow our only chance with that?" 

Jacob and Bitzer stopped right in front of them, while Jacob answered. "You're not going anywhere"

The gang looked disappointed now while Kali and Shaun hung their heads until Jacob and Bitzer both put hard hats on them and Jacob then said. "Without your safety helmets" 

Shaun and Kali both smiled while the twins and the flock cheered, happy that Jacob and Bitzer were going to help them.

"Thanks, guys" Kali looked to her older half brother. 

"Ah, don't mention it" Jacob shrugged his shoulders. 

"Now do your thing, sheep" Bitzer told Shaun. 

Shaun smiled as he and Kali both got in position. 

"Okay, send us up" Shaun told the gang. All ready to go when...

"Shaun!..." Hailey's voice said. 

Shaun turned back to see Hailey looking straight at him, appearing a bit worried but was doing her best to keep a brave face. 

Shaun the Sheep: Close Encounters of Sheep KindWhere stories live. Discover now