Chapter 1

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It was like any normal night within the town of Mossingham. A quite night with not very many people out. But one man and his dog would have a close encounter with something very unusual out in the woods that night...

Skip to the next day~ 

The adventure girl, Kali Harpercop, was shown to be heading towards Mossy Bottom farm. She was planning on visiting Shaun the sheep and his flock again, bringing her younger siblings the twins and her older half brother Jacob along this time. 

The four siblings soon had arrived, coming up to the farm entrance while the bus drove away. Kali took in a deep breath to get a feel in the fresh country air. 

"It sure is good to be back here" The adventurous tomboy said. 

The twins were very excited to finally be here on Mossy Bottom. This was their first trip after all. 

"Oh, I can't wait to meet Shaun and the flock!" Ann said excitedly. 

"Me neither!" Brock turned to his twin sister. 

"Don't get ahead of yourselves now" Jacob reminded his younger siblings, looking out noticing the sun would be setting soon. "We would've arrived sooner if Brock hadn't stolen all those churrios at the airport"

Cue flashback~

"Stop! Thief! Somebody stop that boy! Runaway churrio thief on the loose!" 

The security officers were shown to be chasing Brock through the airport, who was running with a handful of churrios leaving a trail behind him. 

Cut back to present time~

"Hey, in my defense I thought they were free samples. It even said so with the sign next to it" Brock defended. 

"That was the sign for free lipstick being sold next to the churrios" Ann told her idiotic twin brother. 

"Oh..." Brock now realized, making Jacob sigh and roll his eyes slightly. 


"DUCK!" Kali cried, and all four siblings ducked their heads down just in time as something flew right past them. 

"What was that?" Jacob asked, turning back towards where that thing had come from. 

"Sorry, that's mine!" called a familiar voice, and Kali soon smiled knowing exactly who it was. 

The thing that nearly had taken out the human siblings was revealed to be a frisbee, and it continued flying through the field and over the flock of sheep where that clever little scamp, the sheep who was always prone to mischief, Shaun, caught it. 

"Whooo! And the crowd goes wild!" Shaun cheered for himself, playing with the frisbee. 

"Shaun! Shaun! Shaun!" Shaun chanted for himself until he heard some familiar human voices call out to him. 

The young sheep turned around and saw Kali, Jacob, and the twins coming towards him. 

"Kali! Guys! Hey!" Shaun smiled, coming up to greet his human friends. "Great to see you!"

"Oh, Shaun, it's been forever" Kali told the sheep as she came up and gave him a hug. 

"Not unless if you count that incident with the Farmer's so-called llamas" Jacob then joked, which made the gang chuckled. 

Shaun smiled towards his human friends. "Well, I'm so glad you're here"

"Same here, buddy" Kali smiled back at the sheep. 

Shaun the Sheep: Close Encounters of Sheep KindWhere stories live. Discover now