|| Chapter 8: Faster ||

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Mulan's PoV

A year has passed since I first stepped foot into the Academy. A lot has changed since then, we've all have put our all in our trainings to become proper soldiers. Throughout the year, we've all grown closer to each other, watching out for each other's backs and supporting one another.

For today's training exercise, we're supposed to navigate through a canyon for two days straight. Commander Longwei separated us into two groups. Luckily all of my friends are here with me or else someone is about to be handcuffed to a rock if they keep doing stupid things. Even if I am with them, I could already sense the stupidity that's about to happen.

Watch over the group they said... It'll be easy they said... Well, try on watching them yourselves for once and you tell me how it feels...

"How much longer are we going to walk?" Ninah whined, practically dragging her foot on the earthy ground.

"We're about halfway to the end. But we should really set up camp soon, the sun is about to set." Gelo replied from the front of the group, as he is the navigator for this training exercise.

"Who's the genius who decided that we should trek the Great Divide? Don't they know what happened to Avatar Aang when he went down here." Taro grumbled under his breath, but all of us heard him. He and his twin's face are practically turned into tomatoes because of how red it looks.

"I really don't understand that story." Riko said, her look far off as she seems to be in a daze.

"Yeah, I think it's all really bothersome how they joined together two enemy tribes." Mingyu chimed in. He warily looks around to watch out for any danger.

"Plus, their stories contradict each other's." Iroh added from beside me.

"And then suddenly they decided to be at peace with each other just because their ancestors being siblings? That's one of the confusing parts about that story." I nodded my head. Dabbing the towel on my forehead to get rid of the sweat.

"Are we there yet?" Taro asks.

"No." Gelo replied, looking at the map in his hand.

"Are we there yet?" Riko asks.

"No." Gelo repeated his earlier reply. I can tell by the tone of his voice that he's about to snap at any time, but he tried his best to control himself. The twins have been annoying him since about a half hour ago.

"Are we there yet—-" The twins said in unison, but was interrupted by a really irritated navigator.

"You twins are really getting on my nerves. No! I said, NO!" Ah, there it is. His nostrils flaring in rage, and his glasses crooked. They really annoyed him this time.

"Gelo, keep your voice down, or else you might draw in the canyon crawlers." I said calmly, looking forward as we continued on the way.

"Then shut those two up! They're driving me nuts!" He glared at them, and by the looks of it, he seems about ready to throw hands. Iroh noticed it and hold him back before he does anything to them.

"Mhmm, I wish could really have some nuts right now." Ninah said, drooling. Mouthwatering at the slight thought of food.

"Ninah, we're not allowed to bring food here." Iroh said, releasing his hold on the glasses-wearing navigator who let out a huff as he adjusts his glasses back.

"And that's the worst part of it all in coming here." She grumbled under her breath, letting out a breath in disappointment.

"You two shouldn't really be annoying him." I told the twins off, giving them a pointed look. They merely shrugged their shoulders in reply.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2020 ⏰

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