|| Chapter 5: Go ||

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Mulan's PoV


The bald chief instructor's voice boomed across the field, Longwei is said to be the toughest instructor in the academy. Known for his harsh ways of training, he has a record for sending most cadets that entered the academy packing home on their first day. And the man doesn't even bend, still he climbed up the ranks and joined the toughest fighting forces of all. He has been the commander of the Third Division of the United Forces up until his retirement five years ago. And instead of letting himself go and enjoy his life outside the forces, he is now in charge of the cadet's training and evaluation to become proper soldiers. I remembered Commander Bumi said to me as some kind of word of advice, that he may act like that but the bald former-commander was in fact a big softy, especially to cats. But that information doesn't seem to prove it's worth right now at the moment.

Everyone lined up neatly, afraid that even the slightest movements might irritate the chief instructor. He passed by each row, eyeing up every single one of the new cadets. His eyes inspecting, searching the tiniest flaw to scrutinize. It's as if he is the voices in your head that screams, 'YOU WILL NEVER BE GOOD ENOUGH!!'

He stopped in front of a guy with brown hair and eyes. I can see from the corner of my eyes that some of the other female cadets eyeing him like his lunch. Heck, even Ninah and Riko have slight blushes on their cheeks; But they're expressions are not as worse as the other female cadets. Hey, this isn't time for sightseeing.

"I'm Xiaoli, non-bender, from the Republic City, sir!"

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"I'm Xiaoli, non-bender, from the Republic City, sir!"

"And what is it you're here for?!"

"To serve my country, sir!"

Commander Longwei accepted his answer, moving onto his next victim. Also known as Gelo, unfortunate for him. The boy's knees trembling under the intense gaze of the older man, but his face still continue to show a blank look. Which is kinda ironic, since the glasses-wearing cadet is a head taller than the person in front of him.

"Hey, kid!" He called him.


"Stop moving your eyes! If you look around, they're gonna see you, cause you're taller than everyone else!"

"Yes, sir!"

Commander Longwei turned from him, continuing on intimidating the other recruits. I saw him glance at Iroh's direction and clicked his tongue, he must have known who he was. But he didn't approached the Crown Prince of the Fire Nation. Instead he snapped his head towards the direction of a female cadet. Her black hair cut short that it reaches just below her chin, it matches with her cold gray eyes. A beauty mark just under her left eye, displayed as if it was a finishing touch.

 A beauty mark just under her left eye, displayed as if it was a finishing touch

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