|| Chapter 6: Higher ||

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Mulan's PoV

"Come on cadets! My grandmother can do much better than you all! Spirits above rest her soul." Lieutenant Kaye shouts at us as we run around the base. Sweat covered our body much more because of the harsh sun.

The trainings here are hard. First, we have to wake up before the crack of dawn and assemble at the field to do our drills. After that, is combat training, followed by seminars and lectures on every little thing like the little screw from the battleship or how to properly tie a rope. Sometimes they will even conduct special training like scouting the mountains and surviving a week there. They make your body's work harder than ever, to the point that once you hit your bed, you'll fall asleep immediately. Physically and mentally.

I've grown to be quite fond of my new acquaintances here. They're fun to be with, which sometimes takes the pressure and tension off from this strict trainings. Even though they may act a bit off, fangirlish/fanboyish some kind of way, I know they're good people.

Ninah comes from all the way from the South Pole, she was in line to be an apprentice of Master Kya, the daughter of Avatar Aang and Master Katara, but she decides to fulfill her late father's wishes of her becoming a soldier. Really determined about pursuing her goals but what I noticed the most about her is her... umm... appetite.

"Are you going to finish that?" Ninah asks, pointing at my serving of soup that I haven't touched yet.

"Uhhh... yeah, I am...." I awkwardly said, looking at her weirdly. Will she ever be full?

"Awww..." She pouts, puffing her cheeks. But her mood quickly changed back to its cheerful state. "But if you ever change your mind, I'm your girl!" She said, and proceeds to ask everyone else in our table that very question. And when they did agreed to let her eat their share, she would gobble it up in seconds.

Gelo was only here because of a misunderstanding. He really was supposed to study to be a navigator in some university here in the Republic City, but he got lost on the way. He didn't really bother to complain about it anymore, it's not like he can drop out anytime he liked. Well he can, but he didn't. He said it would be too much trouble for him to do so.

"I still can't believe that a navigator got lost." Iroh joked after hearing the story. The rest of us all laughed except for Gelo.

"Yeah, yeah, laugh all you want. But when we all graduate here, you will all be asking me for direction." He puffs out his chest, and adjusts his glasses.

"Not if you get lost first." I said, not missing a beat. The others let out hearty laughs except for Gelo who grumbles under his breath.

Taro is always hyped up and enthusiastic, although acts tough most of the time. He always tries to one up the Prince of the Fire Nation, even though the latter is completely clueless about the said rivalry. Although he is considered the "leader twin," he is less mature than Riko when it comes to managing his emotions and dealing with others.

"17 wins. 18 losses. 2 draws. You're more competent than you look, your highness." Taro said, well barely, he was panting so much we couldn't even understand him. We had to have Gelo translate what he says.

"I don't know what you're talking about, but thanks... I guess?" Iroh sweat dropped, looking at my direction as his eyes practically asking me what's going on. I simply shrugged my shoulders in reply, because even I don't even know where this came from.

"I'm going to beat you! Just watch me!" Taro's last words before being scolded over for his troublemaking behaviour by the drill sergeants.

Riko, despite being younger than Taro, shows to be more mature and levelheaded. She's literally the opposite of her rash firebending brother. She once told me that her reason for coming here is because someone needs to watch over her brother or else he might throw himself in jail. Seems legit. But she still needs to work on her bending a bit.

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