Chapter 1

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Italics = thoughts

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Italics = thoughts

Y/n's pov

Why do I need to be afraid of the carnivores?

I sure carnivores need to eat meat to survive, but I doubt they eat any herbivores they see. I mean Bill didn't eat me and he is a carnivore, but he was kind of intimidating. I have been thinking about this since when I first came here. Its lunch time now, which was probably the worst time in my life right now. I had no where to sit or eat. I don't know anyone besides Bill and Louis, I doubt they let me sit with them. "I should just go eat outside", I sighed and headed for the door. Of course as I walked towards the door I kept getting stares from the other students. I finally made it outside, I look to my right to see a white rabbit, she was outside by herself. I sat next to her, not too close, at a comfortable distance.

"I'm guessing you're new", she asked. "What makes you think that", I replied. "You're out here eating", she answered. "Are new too then", I asked and she shook her head. "I just enjoy being out here", she said and I nodded my head. "I'm Haru", she added. "I'm Y/n", I replied as she stood up. She walked towards me and sat closer to me. "So you're the new evolving species everyone is talking about", she stated. "Sadly, yeah", I replied as she study my features. "You have no fur", she asked and I giggled. "No, I have hair in a few places, but no fur", I replied.

"Great the two freaks are getting along now", a voice interrupted. It was a Harlequin rabbit and two other rabbits. "What do you want now", Haru sighed. "Hey new girl, be careful who you hang around with, might steal you're boyfriend", she sneered causing Haru to stand up. "It's not my fault your boyfriend kissed me", Haru snapped. "If he wanted to save his species he should be more loyal to you", she added. The harlequin rabbit pushed Haru off the edge causing her to fall on the ground. She then took out a bucket of water. "Hey", I shouted and shoved her causing her to fall on her bottom, sending the water bucket wasting on her. She stood up shivering and glaring at me. "You're dead new girl", she sneered and walked off with her friends. I climbed down the ledge. "Are you okay", I asked and helped her up. "Thanks, but I had it", Haru sighed. "Even if you had it I'm not going to just stand by", I replied. She sighed and then looked at me. "Thanks Y/n", she replied as she stood up. "I need to go back to my cub, see you later", she said. "Wait there is a garden club", I asked and she nodded her head. "Thank god, I was hoping there was one", I stated. "Well I'm the only member", she stated. "Is it okay if I join", I asked and a huge smile appeared on her face.

"Of course, come on before its too late", she cheered as she grabbed my hand dragging me towards the garden. Even for her small size she still was able to drag me.

time skip - later that evening.

"Y/n I'm going back to the dorms, are you coming", she asked. "No, I have to stop by the office, I left my stuff there", I said. "Alright I'll see you tomorrow", she said. "Bye Haru", I said as I waved at her as she left. I admired the flowers she had grown. When I stayed home I use to have a small garden , I hope my parents are taking good care of it. "I should get going", I said and headed to the office.

After a while I made it to the office. "You're stuff is already in your room", the secretary said. "Oh thanks", I said and began to leave. "Hurry now, we have a curfew", she fussed and I nodded my head. I didn't realize how dark it gotten. "It sure does get dark fast", I sighed as I walked tot he dorms. "Wait where am I", I said and began to look around. "Great I'm lost again", I sighed and began to walk aimless through the night. I tried different door handles hoping it would open. I was now walking by the fountain in front of the theater. "If the theater is here, the dorms is that way", I cheered.

A weird chill went up my spine.

Legoshi's pov

Bold = inner dark thoughts

I stood watch in front of the theater. Suddenly a sweet smell enter my snout. A deep growl emitted from my throat. My mouth began to drool from the smell.

When did I get so hungry?

Before I even realized I was running towards the source of the spell. The girl began to run away from me, I was able to grab her and tackle her. I held her in a cage position, my claws deep in her arm, keeping her from escaping. Why am I doing this, it was just a smell. Her skin felt so smooth against my fur, I could feel her shaking in fear. I stared intensely forward, holding myself back.

What are you doing this is you're chance!

To taste human flesh for the first time

Come on just one bite, the taste must be better than the smell, Legoshi

My mouth kept opening and closing, fighting the urge back.

"P-Please don't eat me", a voice whimpered. It was so small and cute? I glance down to see her with tears on her face. She was the new girl, a human everyone was gossiping about. What the hell am I doing? Why did this happen hen I only got a whiff of her scent. "HELP", a voice shouted from behind me, it was the sheep from my club. I released my claws from her arms and she took off running. I watched as she ran off.

What is happening to me?

     All I knew was her scent smells of cherry blossoms.

Cherry blossom love{Legoshi x human! Reader}Where stories live. Discover now