Jorbyn - Smut

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Suggestion by @Timmytheemoedgelord. Hope you enjoy!💕💕


I wish he were here, fucking me until I couldn't breathe, washing me in his-

I snap out of my day dream and notice the bulge in my pants that continues to grow. If only Corbyn were here right now. I really need daddy, but he's at work, so I guess I'll have to do without.

I pretend like he's in the room, acting out my every move like he's watching, like he's getting a tease. Removing my clothes slowly and deliberately, I roll over and grab my favorite pillow, the one that smells like him, and press my hard dick into it, sighing slowly at the pressure.

I want his lips on my neck and his hands on my ass while I ride him mercilessly. I want him to flip me over and slam into me from behind.

Moving my hips back and forth, I begin to grind on the fluffy piece of bedding, imagining it's corbyn, my sexy daddy. I let out soft moans and pretending it's him fucking me hard and fast.


As I finish the last of the large stack of paperwork, I think about how horny my baby must be, I haven't been home enough to satisfy either of our needs. I know I am, he must be bubbling. 

Poor Jonah will be so happy that I am g thing of early today, I can't wait to get home to his tight little a-

"Mr. Besson?" Fuck. My coworker, kelly, catches my attention, snapping me from my slight distraction. Kelly has always been the slowest in my company, she's a few brick short of the stack.

"Yes, Kelly? What do you need?" I asked, just slightly aggravated. She closes the door, biting her finger seductively and using her free hand to lock the knob. I give her a questioning look and then realize what she's doing. What a gold digger.

"Well I was... wondering." She takes her long brown curly hair out of the bun it was previously in. I won't deny that she's beautiful, because she is, but her desperate please with sex is disgusting, not only because it's unprofessional, but also because I'm gay. And very open about that. "If maybe you could stay a little longer." 

She lifts her freshly shaved leg on the desk that I had been working at, opening her legs and mini skirt to show the skinny little thong beneath. It takes everything I have not to literally gag. I quickly shove her leg off my desk, pack all of my belongings, and put on my jacket as she stumbles back and makes a very confused face.

Obviously she doesn't get rejected very often.

"Kelly, maybe instead of begging me for sex to get a raise, you should cover that nasty kitty of yours, pull down that short ass skirt, and work a little damn harder. Oh and I'm gay and love my amazing boyfriend, miss tuna." I unlock the door and slam it on my way out, leaving her to deal with her own shame. Maybe I was too harsh. 

Nope, she deserved it. Nasty.

I quickly remember my sexy little freak at home. I'm so glad to see him.

As I walk in my house, unlocking the door and taking off my jacket, I hear soft noises upstairs. Quickly jumping into protection mode, I slowly approach the stairs and prepare myself for a fight. 

I walk down the hall and the closer I get to the noises, the more I realize what they are. I stop in front of our master bedroom and lean back, crossing my arms. A sly smirk crosses my face. So little Jonah is having some fun without me, is he?

We'll see about that.


I continue to push and pull my body across the pillow, slippery noises of content leaving the fabric. I grab the large headboard of our shared bed and squeeze tightly. I let out a load and low groan, almost close to coming. I can feel the precise on the pillow beneath me.

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