Jachary - Smut

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Jack has always been one for show, one for pretending. He loves the hype, the excitement, the thrill. He always goes to clubs or parties, drinking the night away and going to work the next day. His boyfriend doesn't like that very much, says it's unhealthy.

But Jack just wants fun, so he compromises with his boyfriend. Well, more like makes a plan.

The compromise, he will only go out on weekends, without supervision. Still, his boyfriend was not ok with it, so Jack thinks of something else, hence his plan.

Late that Friday night, Jack is blasting music in his comfortable hometown house. He shakes his ass and gets low to the beat as he sips away on his champagne. His boyfriend, who lives with him, is out tonight, so Jack is going out too. And, of course, to his favorite club.

Dressed in tight black skinny jeans and a tight abs shirt, he hears the faint ding of his phone, signaling the arrival of his Uber.

He quickly turns off the music, takes one last giant gulp of the bubbly substance in his cup, and runs out the door. Jack's heart beats slightly faster as he gets in the car and he tells the driver where to go.

Stepping out of the car and walking to the front of the large line at the entrance of the club, Jack shows the bouncer his ID, getting a nod to go in. He hears the scoffs of prissy girls and muscly guys. It's not his fault that he comes here so often the owners know and love him personally, oh wait... it actually is.

Jack smirks and walks in immediately, hearing the music from outside already. He's excited to dance, drink, and to chat with sexy strangers.

He steps into the dark lit room and looks at the crowd, seeing an assortment of hot males sweating and grinding and beautiful women shaking it down. His smile brightens mischievously as he sees the mood. This is where he belongs, truly.

Walking to the center of the floor, he starts to step in beat to the music and sway slightly, looking for a partner to dance with. Jack's eyes scan the room slowly as he searches for the perfect partner. His eyes lock with those of medium brown, gorgeous. He feels his body quiver as he looks at the awe striking man across the room. Jack notices his sexy brown hair fluffed to perfection, his plump pink lips slightly parted as they stare at each other lustfully. Looking down towards his body, Jack noticed his slim but muscular figure, instantly attracted to this artwork of a male.

His lips curve seductively at the corners, as he turns his shoulders a smidge and winks at the sexy boy across the room. Knowing the typical male in a club, he heads to the bar in the large building to get a drink. As he orders, he can feel a pair of eyes on him, knowing that it's the guy he previously saw. The bartender tells him the price and he pulls out his wallet to pay only to hear the most sexy voice beside him.

"I'll pay." Jack turns to the voice, fortunately seeing the hot ass boy from before. His presence beside Jack alone causes his heart to race. Jack smiles seductively once again, batting his eyes a little and looking into the guy's brown orbs directly.

"Thanks," Jack giggles, putting one hand on his own jacket zipper and the other accepting his drink from the bartender. The boy follows as Jack turns and walks past him, hips swaying extra for show. Jack feels his eyes lower on his ass, the extra action clearly working. Once on the dancefloor again, Jack suddenly turns, balling Mr. Sexy's shirt in his right hand and placing his left on the loop of Mr. Sexy's Jeans. Looking directly into the slightly taller males eyes, he leans into his neck and bites his ear slowly, causing the taller male to shudder. "What's your name, sexy?" Jack whispers in the brunettes ear, eliciting a deep sound of dominance from the taller.

"Zach," he growls, pulling Jack back and spinning him to face the other direction. Zach starts to grind on Jack in beat with the music, earning a quiet moan and Jack starting to dance as well. Jack's hips circle figure eights as his arms reach behind him to wrap around the taller boys neck and head. Jack can feel Zach's hands on his waist, and Zach can feel his groin start to tighten. He groans deeply as Jack pushes his ass against him harder, the friction of them dancing causing Zach to clench his teeth at the addicting pressure. Sweat begins to bead on both of their bodies, showing how much they are moving and enjoying their time together.

Jack can feel Zach's evident problem on his ass, glorying in the fact that his body has this much power over such a sexy male. The sensations of a hard on so close to him yet not where he wants it, begins to take control of Jack. He begins to harden as well, feeling his need rise just as much.

Jack hisses when he feels a hand cross his stomach to his dick, fingers dragging lightly back up the zipper to resume where they were before.

"How about we find the nearest room and dance in there." Jack pants, turning his head to Zach's neck and pressing his lips to it, then teeth.

All Zach can do is growl in response as Jack pulls his hand and drags him along in search for a room. They walk around the building in a heated rush as they search for a decent space to get freaky. After finding none, Zach sighs in defeat, but Jack isn't willing to give up, not now.

"Bathroom it is..." Jack says, smirking and grabbing Zach's attention as he pulls him to the one person bathrooms. Choosing the first vacant one, Jack walks in, turns, and pulls Zach in quickly. Zach chuckles and pushes Jack against the door, locking it with his hand as he locks lips with Jack to make a very heated makeout sesh.

Jack pushes his hips forward as Zach begins to remove Jack's and his own clothes. Once both are fully undressed, Jack pushes Zach to the toilet, flops the lid down, and shoves him down on top. Zach gives him a weird look as Jack smirks evilly. Just when Zach is so confused that he doesn't know what to say, Jack jumps on him, straddling his hips and lowering himself onto Zach's dick. Jack gasps at the feeling of his hugeness inside him. He sits still as Zach groans and tries to move underneath him. Jack hums a 'no' as he shakes his finger back and forth in front of Zach's face. Zach pauses, confused, as he looks at Jack, his hips still unintentionally moving.

"I control." Jack growls in Zach's ear as he bites his neck and begins to bounce on Zach's lap. Their movements become heated in their lust as Jack's moans fill the air. Hearing the soft noises escape Jack's mouth made Zach all the more hard inside him. The heat of Jack's walls around his hard dick is making Zach close to orgasm as he groans loudly. Zach would go faster, but Jack won't let him, seeing as he is controlling the pace.

Eventually, Jack's moans become loud screams and gasps for air, and Zach grunts become longer and more lustful. Their movements become sloppy as the reach higher and higher to that special place. On one last broken scream, Jack's breaks, coming on Zach's stomach. Riding his high, it's too much for Zach to take, unable to hold back, he comes inside Jack's walls, groaning loudly in the process.

Jack's body immediately relaxes as he slumps against Zach, their breathing heavy and ragged. Jack lets out an unexpected giggle and looks into Zach's lazy eyes.

"Thanks babe." He says, kissing Zach's lips quickly.

"Your welcome, but this was exhausting. Next time can we just compromise on going out for ice cream?" Jack looks at the ring on his left ring finger that matches the one on Zach's. He laughs and seals his lips to Zach's for a passionate kiss.

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