"Hi Chrissy." Luna gave her a hug.

"Hi! It's been too long, I'm so happy you could make it!" Chrissy hugged her back. Evangelista gave all of them a nod, before linking an arm through Chrissy's.

"Are the drinks good here?" Evangelista asked.

"Damn, you thinking about taking shots tonight?" Jet joked with her, gently giving her a nudge. 

"Maybe, if anyone has the guts to challenge me," Evangelista replied coolly, picking up a drink menu and examining it.

"Remind me not to cross you!" Jet put his hands up, before dragging out a seat.

"I heard they have pretty good Cosmopolitans," Chrissy answered the question. "And the Margaritas are nice."

Luna slipped into an empty seat, focusing on the colorful displays of drinks. To her right, Chrissy and Jet were chatting away, laughing and flirting. Sombra had an arm wrapped around her. Evangelista sat on the far left, long lost, her gaze distant.

Soon after ordering, the bartender slid their cocktails over. Luna stared at her red drink, which looked too much like blood-

"Lulu. You ok?" Chrissy asked hesitantly, worry lines on her face. Jet whispered something to her, and she nodded, before brightening and returning to their conversation.

"Yeah," Luna forced out, before taking a sip of the Cosmopolitan. It was perfect: fragrant, fruity and with a refreshing tang of lime.

Five friends cheered. Sombra's glass held a Margarita, a wedge of lime nested on the rim. Jet bore the same, but an orange in the lime's place. Chrissy's Grasshopper was frothy green and garnished with mint. A creamy white drink rested in Evangelista's hands, mysterious and frothy.

Sombra put his arm around her chair and she shifted closer to him. From then on, the night got so much better.

"Hey! You," a well-built boy pointed at Evangelista. "I challenge you to a shot competition." His friends were close behind him, laughing and already nudging shots towards her. "I'll give you a kiss in the end, if you take more than ten."

Evangelista raised her eyebrows in amusement. "Let's make a deal. If you win, you get to dance with me for the whole night, along with a kiss. And my friends do, too."

"She can't be serious," Jet whispered to them.

"But she is," Sombra countered. "I'm actually quite excited to see how this plays out."

The boy's friends murmured amongst each other, clearly content.

"But if I win, you give me all your money."

The boys burst into a chorus of "Ohs", already nudging Evangelista's competitor, a few clapping him on the back and giving him advice.

"And your friends' money!" Luna burst out.

They all stared at her in stunned silence. She stared back, giving them a defiant smile.

"Well that's fine...if you would really want to miss out on the opportunity to dance with me and my friends....." Luna fake pouted and gave Sombra a peck on the cheek.

Everyone's jaw dropped. She rarely showed this side to anyone. But who was she to deny herself the right to have a little fun?

The boy sighed. "Deal. My name's Denzel."

"I'm Evangelista," Evangelista introduced herself, picking up a shot.

"Evangelista," Denzel muttered, as if tasting the name on his tongue for the first time. "Evangelista."

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