Finding Control (Chapter 18.)

Start from the beginning

Kokichi: "All right, see you guys."

We all walk out. Kokichi heads down to the dorms while we make our way to Miu's Lab.

When we reach her Lab, we are relieved to see that the lights are still on. We knock before entering this time, and Kiibo comes rushing to the door.

Kiibo: "Well if it isn't the dynamic duo themselves. What brings you back here?"

Me: "We need to ask you and Miu some questions."

Miu: "Then stop standing out there and get the fuck in here!"

We walk in and grab some chairs.

Me: "So Miu, did you happen to see anyone near your lab when you got back?"

Miu: "Kiibo, can you go through your memory?"

Kiibo: "Sounds good."

He closes his eyes. Thirty seconds later, he reopens them, surprised by something.

Kiibo: "G-Gonta was there!"

Me: "Gonta?"

Kiibo: "Yeah, and he was carrying a bag. Here, give me a second."

He walks over to a printer, and he plugs himself into it from his index finger. Suddenly, a picture comes out of the printer. Kiibo unplugs himself and he walks over to us with the picture. He points at one spot, and sure enough, Gonta is standing in the shadows, staring at the camera. I mean, at Kiibo. Miu took a pair of goggles with several lenses and put it on. She puts a few of the lenses down. They must be magnifying glasses. Shuichi pulls his own magnifying glass out of his pocket and puts it on Gonta. Miu suddenly gasps at what she sees. I look at Gonta in the picture, and he seems to be holding something that looks like a red megaphone.

Miu: "It was fuckin' Gonta!"

Me: "What do you mean?"

Miu: "He stole my amplifier and my knife!"

Me: "So that's what happened to it!"

Kiibo: "But what would Gonta want with either of those things?"

Shuichi: "Well, Tsumugi was at Gonta's Lab. Maybe she saw or heard something!"

Me: "Good idea, Shuichi! Let's go to her Lab!"

Shuichi: "Thanks for the help, you two!"

Miu: "No need ta' mention it! Now get the fuck down there! You've only got fifteen minutes until we have to go to our dorms!"

Shuichi: "You heard her, let's move."

He grabs my hand and we run to Tsumugi's lab as quickly as we can. When we arrive, we see Tsumugi sewing an outfit that looks oddly familiar. A black school jacket with a circular patch that looks like a school logo. The patch is divided into four sections, the top left is white, the top right is black, the bottom left is black, and the bottom right is white.

Off topic.

She notices us and stops sewing.

Tsumugi: "Oh! Hello, Kaede and Shuichi! How can I help you two?"

Me: "Hi, Tsumugi! We need to ask you a few questions in order to help with Gonta's trial."

Tsumugi: "Oh, I'd love to help! Go ahead!"

Shuichi: "Thanks. Now, can you tell us what happened when you reentered Gonta's Lab?"

Tsumugi: "Of course! Gonta was having a conversation with Korekiyo when we arrived."

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