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Y/n: I-I'am Back........

He set Claire's Body on the floor, As he stumbled and fell but Jess caught him in time Y/n passed out of Exhausted lying hid head on Jess Shoulder. Slenda Appeared in the living room.

Slenda: Get him to bed so he can Rest and check for any wounds, Many thing happen now a days that his here.

Later at the Mansion

Third person POV

Jess: Ann!

Banging on the door.


Ann Opened the door half way with an annoyed impression.

Ann: .....

Jess: Can you..... uhhhh... help us.. with something...

Ann raised a brow looking at Jess

Jess: With this guy..

Ann: Hmm... interesting come in.

She opened the door wide open for them to carry the body onto the Bed.

Ann: So what happened to the man?

Jess: I dont know..

Ann: Hmm... takes off his clothes

Jess and jackie did what they were told to do.

Ann examined his body, Jess and Jackie watches her do her thing.

Ann's POV

Something was very odd but something really caught my eye. I grabbed a scalpel and sliced the small wound slightly opening it and began pulling something out of that wound, I couldn't really describe how it looks like but it was really black and look like a shard but small.

Ann: Hmm.. I suppose this is more easier than I expected so...

Patching the wound covering it with bandages.

Ann: Well that's done but leave him here to rest

Jess: Alright

Both of them left the room seeing their faces is unusual but that not their expression at all but very worried what's so special about this man. I picked up the shard and examines it.

Ann: What is this thing?

I heard a groan behind me a turned around and looked at Y/n sitting up, He has a deep scar on his back.

Ann: It seems like you are awake?

He groaned and rubbed his neck while turning his head looking at me.

Y/n: Y-Yeah... So who are you suppose to be Ma'am

I chuckles from his question.

Ann: Ann is my name Nurse Ann as a nickname

Y/n: Hmm.. Interesting *Examining her*

Ann: What happened to your back?

Y/n: Oh you mean this big scar on my back... I-its a long story

Ann: Can you tell me what happened I'm really curious to hear your story?

Y/n: Hmm... I don't clearly remember what happened to my back

Ann: Tell me!

Y/n: Like I sa-

Ann: I suppose you could lay down and tell me your story all about?

I pushed his chest down and booped his nose while I sat down on a chair beside him and prepared to Listen.

Y/n: Hmm.. lets see here....

Aye guys its not so long that I got this finished and Imma end it here because im an asshole so well then farewell I might make all of this stories not so long im gonna make it short

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