Deadly Part-1

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This is my first story for today I hope this is good for you people, enjoy this and I hope you like it as always see you to the other side.

My name is Y/N L/N and I'am 18 yrs, I moved to this city recently and this is my story began.

It was a rainy day I just went to get some Groceries to make Tempura that my mom sometimes make some of those for me at first taste I feel the juicy meat, well that's my imagination I got back home I toke off my shoes before going inside it was freezing cold.

Y/N: I left the AC on!

I put my groceries on the table and started going to the living room to turn the AC up,cause it was freezing cold so I did I sat down on the couch making my butt comfortable cause I have a great ass when I was high school.

Y/N: I wont forget that day?

I giggle and close my eyes for a little bit thinking about what am I gotta do today the relaxing sound of the rain drop making me comfortable.

8:34 Second Person pov

You were cooking your favorite Tempura food, your stomach growled of hunger waiting your Tempura to be delicious and looking good as gold, for 30 minutes you took out your golden fried Tempura you started eating and enjoying your food.

Y/N: Its just the same cooking last time my mom cooked me this... I wonder how my parents are are doing?

You finished eating your golden fried Tempura you took your plate in the sink to wash it later.

First Person Pov

I sat down on the couch turning the TV on, as I was going to turn the TV on at the same time it the lights went out.

Y/N: Soooooo..... bad timing Oh my F*****G!! GOD!

I sighed sitting up looking the dark room before standing up and going to my room as I was walking up I heard sprinting from a distance outside I went to grab my trusty frying pan and sneaked down the stairs looking through all corner's I went to my bathroom,kitchen,basement,attic,living room, but it was all clear nothing else, and then I heard foot steps coming the second floor.

Y/N: There you are mother F***ER?

I sneakily went up stairs and looked around I saw a door open, I peeked through the half opened door, the empty room that I don't use I opened the door holding my frying pan ready to swing.

Y/N: Whose here? come out come out where ever you are?

Third person POV

Y/N walked in quietly looking around that doesn't he know the person who entered his house was on the ceiling looking down at him, Y/N saw a half opened window he went to investigate and looked around outside it was raining hard, He closed the window.

??? First Person POV

I got down the floor quietly making him close the window and timing it right to get down the ceiling I easily got down with out making any sound I raised my knife to stab him but it wont be that easy he has a stupid weapon I sneaked behind him grabbing his forehead as I was going to I was stopped by someone gripping my hand I grunt in pain, how can he be this strong I was struggling to break free my hand I slashed his hand making him let go my hand.

???: How did you know I was there.... YOU ASSHOLE!...

Y/N: I was looking to the reflection of the window that's How I know

It giggled at me.

Y/N Second Person POV

Y/N looked at the unknown person with a smile but the person got to her/his feet preparing his butcher knife I also prepared my trusty frying pan, you got this feeling of excitement slightly trembling on your legs, you shake your head and prepared for battle.

Third Person Battle POV

They started running towards each other and clashed together with their weapon they backed away from each other the rain cleared a while ago and the moon came out of dark clouds, the light filled the dark room and it showed the unknown person's true Identity it was a woman with a cut on her face and burned eyelashes white paled skin she looks like a maniac but except (The mind of Y/N: OMG those are big hongalongkas my mind is fill of dirty things jesus christ) Y/N shake's his head and got kicked at the gut and elbowed by the back and got thrown from the other side of the room Y/N didn't give up and stand up with his fighting position (Y/N: I don't really wanna hit a woman cause I'am a Gentlemen but she is going to kill me so..... bye bye gentle Y/N and hello new Y/N) he charged at her with all his might and speed, she raised her knife and she was tackled she stabbed him at the back but Y/N continued pushing her down was no good Y/N has another Idea a stupid Idea he backed away again and eased the pain the knife on his back he tackled her again going through the window and outside they fell rolling down she got up quickly but Y/N is still on his feet taking it like a man she was surprise and laughed, Y/N coughed blood he reached for the knife on his back and pulled it off throwing it on the side he positioned himself on his fighting position, she charged and kicked him at the gut then punched him on the face Y/N fights back with an upper cut on the chin and judo throwing her on the side, Y/N roared in anger and charged at her but she kicked his legs making him falling down on the grouned and swiftly got on top of him and repeatedly punching him on the face but for many punches he caught two of her fist and headbutt's her, They positioned and recovered they looked at each other with their bloody face they were panting heavily and rapidly, and the second round starts. The two of them, once again clashed to one another kicking, punching, and dodging then something different is hopping about the woman she was wobbling and swaying both sides she laughed menacingly, but she stopped and looked at him with a different expression she yelled and charged at him with great speed Y/N was shocked  and his reaction was slow and got kicked on the head but it was a hell of a kick her kick was like a truck, with the speed she builds Y/N was launched on a tree stunned.

Y/N first person POV

Y/N: *Coughing blood* That was a hell....of...a....kick

I shook my head before looking at her
I smiled and felt my blood boiling  flowing through my veins my heart pounding rapidly. I stood up and cracked my knuckles and neck then looked at her with a twisted look, she shrugged I giggled Uncontrollably picking her knife up and looked at her expression but the fight isn't Over yet. I smiled evil'y and gripped the handle putting all of my strength I got with everything I have.

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