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2nd person POV

She charged at Y/n before she came in closer to stab him she got kicked in the in the cheek making her fall down she stood up and swinged her knife at him but Y/n dodges all of those slices and gripped her right hand and knocked the knife out of her hand and punched her on the face then he got left hooked at the her side and got kicked on the gut.

Y/n Pov

I completely destroyed her but she stood up again she never gives up but as I prepared a punch, I got stabbed at the back I got distracted by the fight and got stabbed I was lossing my consiousness but I picked up the butcher knife and stabbed my legs to wake me up and threw away the knife and pulled the knife out of my back

Y/n: That fucking Hurt...

I looked at her standing strangely I thought to myself maybe somethings wrong with her or is she planning something then when I turned around I saw something flashed my eyes and got directly striked in the belly I looked at what stabbed me I was shocked looking at a faceless woman looking at me very silently I was lossing too much blood and lossing my consciousness and I fainted for lossing too much blood.


Slenda's Pov

I was roaming around the woods looking for that Reckless Jess and I couldn't Find her I kept searching soon I saw Jess and another person, I continued watching until that part that scared me I thought he was going to kill Jess but No, He got stabbed from the back I guess Jess has a second knife While the person was bleeding he took Jess Butcher knife and hurt himself with it and took pulled the knife out of his back.

Slenda:I guess Jess cant finish him how dissapointing well I guess she is Paralize I should finish him.

I teleported right infront of him and striked him with my trendrils and almost killed him but... I can still hear him breathing. I took out my trendrils inside him and walked to Jess standing likeba statue well I guess she is unconsios while standing that is new I giggled, I lookdd at the Boy I got a flashback I have seen that Man before I brushed it off and took him with me and Jess going back.

Slenda: I guess he can be of use

The Next Day


I woke up in a strange place looking at the ceiling Its wooden, I sit up and looked around its like an Inn but I looked out the window and it was pouring heavy rain, I hopped out the Bed and Opened the door and saw 2 people arguing about something.

Y/n: Ummm.... Yeah nevermind they kinda look dangerous

They stopped and looked at me dead in the eyes they pulled out their Weapon and I slammed the door shut and locked it, I panted rapidly.

Y/n: .......Yup nope let's not open that ever again.

I slowly opened the door and peeked through, They were gone and I thought it was the end of me I opened the door completely I looked both ways of the Hall it was terribly damaged and crooked I found stairs leading down somewhere.

Y/n: I dont see anyone only a Painting Well the question is Where am I seriously!

???:In my Mansion~

I jumped and almost fell down the stairs but she immediately grabbed my hands and pulled me up, her arms were long

???: Are you alright?

Y/n: Y-Yeah Iam a-alright.

???: Good~

I looked at her empty face very closely my hurt skin a beat and then I remembered that time when I was approaching that Girl and stabbed my Stomach, I raised my shirt and saw Bandages all over my stomach I froze and covered half of my face and I Passed out.

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