The rain hides anything

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After what felt like the longest flight, Lucy finally landed. Walking through Lyon airport, she felt different, welcomed almost. Home. She went through passport control perfectly fine because of her near-fluent french and then stood at the baggage claim belts, having random conversations with other french people about their time in England whilst they waited for their luggage to come circling round. Talking to new people is something Lucy had always loved, but now, it felt refreshing almost. These people didn't know why she had flown back from England, and they didn't have to, they didn't know her. Lucy actually felt herself smile for the first time in a few days, all because of some strangers.
Once retrieving her luggage, she made her way to the exit, calling on a cab to take her back to her french house. She stood on the driveway, and yet again, just smiled. She loved it here, she always felt like a different person, and that was what she needed right now.
She'd been there for two days now, and she thought maybe Keira and Stan had possibly had a thought about what they did by now, so she text them.

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Well, that was pointless, she should've just not bothered

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Well, that was pointless, she should've just not bothered. She'd obviously done something really bad to upset them all this much. She sees they've both posted on their stories and is intrigued, so she has a look. Shock. The 4 of them. All together. Happy without her. Maybe, just maybe, this was better, they could now be happy without her, all Lucy ever wanted was for them to be happy. Holding back tears, she looked around her bedroom. Pictures of her and Keira, and gifts Keira had given her throughout the years surrounded her. She suddenly felt multiple drops trickle down her warn out face. She needed to get out of that room, but where could she go? They were all the exact same, her and Keira. She walked down the stairs, checking the time as she went, but the lockscreen. She hadn't yet changed her lockscreen, it was still her favourite photo~ the one with her, Keira, Leah and Jordan in Dubai. That's it, she couldn't do it. She shoved on her running trainers and left. It was raining hard, but that was ok, because at least it hid her tears. After all, the rain does hide anything.
2 hours later, she finally returned home, but she no longer wanted to stay there, she couldn't. So, she phoned one of the only people that she trusted.
Lucy: Steph, Steph please help me.
Steph: Hey, hey, Luce calm down, why are you so out of breath?
Lucy: Steph, I can't stay here, I can't stay in Lyon. I've just been running, really hard. Steph can I please come stay with you?
Steph: Of course you can Luce, what's going on?
* Lucy explains everything to Steph, every little detail*
Steph: Oh Luce, come on then, hurry up down here, lemme know when you've landed. I love you and I'm always going to be here for you!
Lucy: Thank you so,so much. I love you, I will see you later.
Shortly after calling Steph, Lucy booked a flight and once again, packed her bags, despite having no idea how long she'd be staying with Steph for.

The next day, at 02:04am she landed in Manchester. Once collecting her stuff, she text Steph and waited for her to come collect her.
'Thank you again for doing this, you're amazing' Lucy said as she climbed into Steph's car. All Steph needed to do was smile and Lucy's heart felt warm. She admired Steph and wished to one day be half the person she was.
Lucy had been at steph's for a few days now, and she felt pretty happy, her and Stephen made her happy. They made her feel worth it, like she mattered, if they ever have kids, they'll be the luckiest people on this earth.
Gemma (Bonner) had asked a few times if Lucy could go meet her at Takk, Manchester's greatest coffee shop, so she finally decided to.
She walked through the doors and felt faced looking at her. Only, she wasn't imagining it. There they all were, the 4 of them. Looking at her. Laughing at her. Doing anything they could to put her back in that position, to make her feel awkward and unwanted.

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