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Hey guys, so for some reason wattpad cut off the last bit of my last chapter, so I'm going to have to start this chapter with that, apologies.
After hours of shaking, panicking and constant checking of her phone, Lucy finally got to sleep, although it only being 2 hours before she needed to get up. She was hugely dreading the next day, but she couldn't focus on that, she had to focus on getting through the night.
The next morning
6:30am alarm rings
Lucy sprung up from her hotel bed, turning her alarm off, just the way she does every morning. She was just about to get up when her phone lit up with a message from Leah.

Everything from the day/night before came flashing back and the tears started again

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Everything from the day/night before came flashing back and the tears started again. Could she really handle sitting in the car with the 4 of them, knowing they're just going to be sat there sniggering about her? She didn't want to, but there was no other way of getting back home. She needed to be strong.

She stepped out of bed, took some pain killers to help relieve the headache and dizziness she was experiencing and went to the bathroom. As she looked in the mirror, she said 'you look a mess, sort yourself out' to herself. She quickly tied her hair up in a bun, brushed her teeth and then went back into the main part of her hotel room. It took her a few minutes to decide what to wear. Does she dress well to try and change Keira's mind? Does she dress down to show her mood? Or does she just wear what she usually would? She threw her stuff out her bag, picked up some gym leggings and a top that says 'teach girls to be somebodies instead of somebody's' she chose this because she wanted to prove to herself that you don't need to be with someone to be happy, even if you never thought you'd be able to live without them.
Once rearranging all her stuff, and putting it back in her bag, she left the room and made her way to the lift. She was a bit early, but she'd rather that than get there 1 minute late and them drive off. She stood at Keira's car, thinking that this could be the last time she travels in the strawberry-blonde girl's car.
A few minutes later, Stan, Keira, Leah and Jordan all come piling out the door, laughing loudly, obviously to shove it in Lucy's face. Leah opens the boot and all the girls put their stuff in, but as Lucy goes to put hers in, Leah snaps and says 'nah not you, put it on your lap' and they all start laughing at Lucy. Just like she thought, they were already taking the piss out of her. She climbed into the back of the car, wedging herself in the corner so that she couldn't be blamed for being in someone's way. They wacked on the radio and all started talking. Was Lucy spoken to once? No. Did Lucy feel like opening the car door and getting out? Yes.
The girls were thirsty and needed the toilet so Keira pulled into the next services she could. They all got out, and just as Lucy was about to, Keira locked the car, leaving Lucy all alone, unable to move incase the alarm went off. They took ages, obviously on purpose.
After about 15/20 minutes they all came out, laughing, skipping with their drinks from Starbucks. Lucy's face just dropped even more.
'Alright Lucy, sorry, we didn't know what you wanted so we got you nothing.' Leah looked and started laughing.
'You could've...'
'Nah Lucy please go back to not speaking, just for a minute, we have something we need to talk about.' Jordan snapped.
They carried on not speaking to her for the rest of the way. It was a lot shorter journey than Lucy expected and she wondered why. That was until the car stopped and she realised that the girls had planned to stay at Jordan and Leah's for a few days. Lucy got out and went to take her bag out of the boot when Stan turned around to her and said 'Luce, you do realise you can't stay here right? Like I don't think we will feel comfortable with you around.'
And with that, the girls all walked indoors, turning their backs on her, and shut the door. By this point, tears had started rolling down Lucy's tired face.
'Mum, mum i need to you come pick me up,please. I'm at leah and Jordan's and they've all just left me mum. I've got no other way of getting home, I've lost them all mum please.'
'Hey, heyyyy, come on calm down now. I'm on my way to get you now, gonna take a few hours though, so find something to do. Oh Lucy bubs, if that's how they're gonna treat you, they're not worth it. Do something that will make you happy, lemme know and I will pick you up from there.'
'But Keira was my happiness mum, I can't imagine being without her.'
'Come on Luce, you'll survive without her. You'll find something to do, we'll talk about it all later. Love you always darling, see ya in a bit.'
'See you later, love you.'
And with that, Lucy called a taxi, just to take her to a café.
About 3 and a half hours later, her mum finally turned up. Lucy embraced her in the biggest hug, and her mum returned it. That's what she needed after the past 2 days. A little bit of love being shown to her.
After the long journey, singing and dancing in the car with her mum, Lucy finally made back to her's/her parent's home in Manchester. Her brother and sister were there, which was weird because they barely ever were.
'Hey Luce, how you holding up?' They both said at the same time before bringing their sister in for a hug. If Lucy was honest, she didn't want them to let go, neither did she want to answer their question.
'Not great.' She replied before running upstairs to her old room, throwing her stuff on the floor.
She just didn't know what to do. She didn't want to text any of them because she knew they'd all just start on her. So she didn't do anything, except put on her pyjamas and go to sleep. It's what she needed, she'd barely slept the night before and it had been a really long, emotional day.
The next few days were just a nightmare for Lucy. There were arguments all round, her mum with her sister, her and her siblings, her and her mum, everyone. She just couldn't handle it, it's far from what she needed.
So, she booked the first flight home to France, the place she felt safe, the place she'd be away from all of this.

*I would just like to say, I'm sorry if I've made one of your faves look like a proper bitch, but remember that this is based off of one of my personal stories, so there's not much I can change. Thank you for understanding my lovelies💙*

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