"Ready for you," the white Dalek said.

Two Romans dragged the Doctor to the Pandorica as Elise screamed. The Romans locked the Doctor into the seat.

"What do we do with this one?" the brown alien asked, pointing his gun at Elise.

"Scan reveals the child is Timelord", the white Dalek said.

Elise struggled against the Romans.

"The child will be confined with the Doctor".

Elise was picked up and carried to the Pandorica where they shackled her wrists and ankles together at the Doctor's feet.

"You lot, working together. An alliance. How is that possible?" the Doctor asked.

"The cracks in the skin of the universe," the White Dalek said.

"All reality is threatened," the brown alien added.

"All universes will be deleted."

"What? And you've come to me for help?" the Doctor asked.

"No. We will save the universe from you and your offspring!" the brown alien said.

"From me?"

"All projections correlate. All evidence concurs. The Doctor will destroy the universe," the Cyberman said.

"No, no, no. You've got it wrong."

"The Pandorica was constructed to ensure the safety of the Alliance."

"A scenario was devised from the memories of your companion," the White Dalek told him.

"A trap the Doctor could not resist," the brown alien said.

"The cracks in time are the work of the Doctor. It is confirmed."

"No. no, no, not me, the TARDIS. And I'm not in the TARDIS, am I?" the Doctor asked.

"Only the Doctor can pilot the TARDIS."

"Please, listen to me!"

"You will be prevented."

"Total event collapse! Every sun will supernova at every moment in history. The whole universe will never have existed. Please, listen to me!"

"Seal the Pandorica," the Cyberman said.

"No! Please, listen to me! The TARDIS is exploding right now and I'm the only one who can stop it! Listen to me!"

The Pandorica doors closed. Inside the Pandorica, it was deadly silent.

The Doctor slammed his head into the headrest behind him in frustration.

If they were going to be stuck in here till the end of time, Elise would have to do something she'd been terrified of doing. "Daddy?"

The Doctor froze, hearing Elise's voice. He'd never heard her voice before. Well he had, but that was a long time ago. But this version of her had never spoken on purpose before. "Yes, love?" he said.

"I'm scared".

"I don't know how, but I will get us out of here."


"Do you trust me?"

Elise nodded and said, "Yes".

But only a few minutes later, the doors to the Pandorica opened and Rory stood there holding the Doctor's sonic screwdriver.

The Littlest Timelord: Cracks in TimeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz