Chapter 3

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Yugo rushed around once more as Adamai watched while eating a piece of bread. "Yugo. Calm down."

"But she could be here any minute!!!"

Adamai sighed, "I know you want it to be perfect when she gets here, but," He took a bite of the bread "She won't care, ya know as long as it's not crazy messy in here." He paused a moment "Which it's not."

"Yeah... Yeah you're right." Yugo agreed

"I know I am Yu."

"Yugo, Adamai, Princess Amalia's here!" Alibert called from down stairs

Yugo panicked, "She's here.... Holy bwork..."

"Calm down." Adamai said calmly 

The brothers went downstairs, "That's an amazing drawing Chibi, did you draw it?" Yugo heard Amalia ask

"No." Chibi said as Yugo and Adamai walked in "I took it out of Yugo's journal when I found it under his bed yesterday."

Yugo saw the drawing, and turned red. It was one of his drawings of Amalia. "Did you now?" Amalia questioned

"Yeah, there were lots of drawings like this in his journal..." Chibi looked at Amalia for a minute "You look like the drawing."

"I need to find a different place to hide my journal..." Yugo mumbled as Amalia noticed him and Adamai

"Yugo, Adamai, it's great to see you!" She smiled as she walked over to the brothers. She laughed a little "Yugo, you have a little dirt on your nose..."

"What..?" He wiped at his nose a little, "It's probably from me keeping an eye on Chibi and Grougal earlier." He chuckled

"So Chibi said there were multiple drawings like the one over there. he also said that I look like the drawing."

Yugo turned a little red "I uh....... I draw a lot?"

"I bribe Chibi with cookies to find Yugo's journal." Adamai smiled as he walked over to Chibi and Grougal "C'mon littles, let's go see if Alibert needs help with the Inn." 

"So..." Amalia began as Adamai, Chibi, and Grougal left. "Adamai sent me one of your poems..."

Yugo turned bright red "Ah y... Yeah, sorry you weren't.... You weren't s'posted to see that.... Ad stole my journal and hid somewhere... I'm sorry, you probably thought it was stupid."

"It was sweet Yugo, I loved it."

Yugo turned redder, if that was even possible, "Y...You did?"

"Things have been.... Stressful back home." Amalia began "Ever since we returned from Oropo's pocket dimension, Armond and his Fiancee have become even more unbearable."

"Is your father getting better?" Yugo asked "A few Sadidans stayed at the inn a few weeks back, and were talking about him getting better slowly."

"He's regaining his health, yes."

"That's good."

"How have things been here?" 

"Calm, except the gobbowl stampede a while back."

"No adventures you forgot to mention in your letters?"

"Other then getting my journal back from Adamai every five minutes? Nothing."


Adamai grinned as he walked past Yugo and Amalia, who'd fallen asleep while talking, and were leaning on each other as they slept. "Yugo's gonna turn bright red when he finds out."

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