Ch. 1 The Start of Many Encounters

Start from the beginning

'After mastering light magic, power magic is the next easiest type. With light magic, one can burn others or cast illusions that may change the appearance of one's self and others or generate a bigger image to display.'

With a huge smile, her eyes started to sparkle as she saw the pages of spells she was going to be able to master. Flash, that would be the second spell she learned next to a basic light beam. 


      It was nighttime now, past midnight actually. And to Kiari's dismay, she passed out leaning against the tree. She was still within a garden in the royal palace. Her parents were on a search for her, yet no one could find her. 

That is until a certain young boy thought he found a raccoon, only to be very disappointed when it ended up being a little girl. With a sigh, he recalled how people were looking for a girl with a description matching the one he was standing in front of. 




Kiari shrugged while moving onto her side, groaning while keeping her eyes tightly shut.

"HEY!!!" She suddenly jumped, her eyes wide as she turned around to see the guy who woke her up.

To say the least he didn't look very pleased. "Who are you?" He asked while crossing his arms, pretty much glaring down at Kiari who was still seated in front of the tree, her book behind her. Gulping, she started to scooch away a little. 

This guy seemed quite scary even though he was probably just a year or two older than her.

"I..." She started with a whisper, staring at his harsh red eyes. She sealed her lips shut as she took in his appearance. Red hair... Red eyes... A sword!? Her eyes widened as she noticed the sword placed on his hip.

"Answer." A shiver ran up her spine at his harsh voice. "I'm... Kiari... My name is Kiari..." She muttered, stuttering a little. "Why are you here?" He asked while looking at her with the coldest eyes she'd ever seen. 

Her lips started to tremble as she realized the time. It was nighttime. Probably midnight if not past that. The moon was full and illuminating it's light on them.

She quickly scrambled for the note her father gave her inside her haori. "H-here!" She whisper-shouted as she lifted the note up to him. 

Red hair... Father said that if while I was at the palace I met someone with red hair or blueish hair, and they had a large presence, that I should respect them and try my best to not get involved with them... And... This guy, he fits my father's description and his presence is terrifying! Not only that... But his clothes... Even if he isn't from the royal family his clothes already say that he's important... AH! How'd it get so late?? How did I get into this situation?! And why is he so scary even though he's probably only nine?! 

He lifted his eyebrow, hesitantly retrieving the note from her hands. As he opened it, he couldn't help but notice that the girl looked quite familiar. He quickly scanned over the note, getting what he had to know. As he did Kiari straightened her posture, having a frown as she stared up at him.

"You're from the Mai and Xu families?" He asked, his presence calming down and letting Kiari look up at him with more confidence. "Yes..." She nodded.

He stared at her for a second before sighing and folding the paper back together. "They're looking for you." 

A question mark appeared above her head, confused. "Huh?"

"Your parents. They've been looking for you for about an hour now." He stated before turning and continuing to walk back inside the palace.

Kiari was left quite confused but she quickly picked up her book and stood up, catching up to him before he entered the palace. "Um, wait!" She exclaimed, a small blush appearing across her cheeks as she frowned. He stopped, glancing back at her. "What?"

"Uh... It's just... I don't know..." She didn't even have to finish before he understood what she was trying to say just by looking at her face. She looked like a lost puppy. Though it made sense, the palace is quite the maze. He sighed, as he interrupted her, "Just follow me." Kiari let out a breath of relief before she started walking close behind him, glancing around every now and then. 

"Here." He stopped, stepping to the side and showing Kiari the open doors that revealed the ballroom. She was startled at first but quickly bowed. "Thanks..." She muttered, her blush still there because of embarrassment. 

He nodded, about to leave, but was once again stopped. "You're not going to tell me your name?" Kiari questioned suddenly gaining some confidence, she really wanted to know if she had just met someone from the royal family.

He looked annoyed, narrowing his eyes at her. How is a kid already so scary... Kiari thought as another shiver ran up her spine.

"Kouen... Ren Kouen." Kiari deadpanned as she watched him leave. 

R-r-r-r-r-REN!?! She shouted in her head, complete shock written all over her. She was expecting it but it was still surprising.

"Kiari? Is that you?" She glanced back to see her mother approaching her with a few servants behind. 

Kiari was still gaping as she nodded walking inside the ballroom and to her. "Where did you go?! You can't just disappear like that! We were so worried!" Her mother pouted as she pulled her into a hug, crouching.

"Oh, there you are." Her father walked behind her mother, sighing in relief while folding his arms behind his back.

Kiari only nodded, blinking. "..."

"Are you ok?"

"Y-yeah... Let's just go home..."


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