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I was so happy.

You said that you have finally moved on. You said you couldnt do it without me.

I was happy then, just being a friend by your side. Spending the days enjoying it with you just like the old times.

You shunned out love but you cling more to me, a friend that will never let you go.

I know it was your defense mechanism because you were hurt. You chose our friendship because you believe that no matter what happens, I will choose you.

And I, who desperately loves you hold onto your words. Denying the fact that you were only using me. Deluding myself. Making myself believe in this false happiness.

Because I love you.

And I am willing to be whoever you wanted me to be.

So when you asked me to be your boyfriend.

I said yes.

Because maybe...

Just maybe, you could learn to love me too.

Still writing

Why you sad? I don't know. I don't know
Smile, say 'I love you'
Look at me, even I gave up on myself
Even you can't understand me

Still loving you,
Park Jimin

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